Support Will Ribeiro

Will just sent me this on FB...

Will Ribeiro: I'm not fighting anymore, I'm in a wheelchair and without rehabilitation treatment, my managers have abandoned me. And too bad to be treated like dirt by people who do not see a wheelchair as people, especially my managers. "Will Ribeiro"
Will Ribeiro 10-2
135lbs 5'8" (Boxe Thai)


Please Support Will Ribeiro!

WEC fighter, wrecked on a motorcycle, spent 4 months battling for his life in acoma, his team turned his back he has no money, no mom and dad to help him, doctors said hes lucky to even be alive and said he wouldnt be able to walk again and he is, lost 50 percent of his vision, will never ever be able to fight again, all hopes and dreams are gone. cant even get treatment. HELP WILL TODAY!



I'm working on an exclusive story with Will right now, there's a lot of shady shit going on and Will's in huge need of help.

Will Ribeiro Suffered a serious motorcycle accident in BRAZIL.

He says...

Kalin Johnston - I'm working on an exclusive story with Will right now, there's a lot of shady shit going on and Will's in huge need of help.

He's chatting with me right now on FB. Man, i feel bad for him.

I'm sorry, i wasn't even aware of this til now. I was asking him why he wasn't fighting, and then he told me what happened.

So nice of all the members here to inform a person.


Please, can someone help this man?

Oh man... That's fucked up shit right there.. I hope someone can step up and do right if they have the means.. Good luck Will. Phone Post



Please Support Will Ribeiro!

WEC fighter, wrecked on a motorcycle, spent 4 months battling for his life in acoma, his team turned his back he has no money, no mom and dad to help him, doctors said hes lucky to even be alive and said he wouldnt be able to walk again and he is, lost 50 percent of his vision, will never ever be able to fight again, all hopes and dreams are gone. cant even get treatment. HELP WILL TODAY!



Amazingly, Will has no brain damage. He can think and speak just as he could before the accident. When you think about it, it’s really quite remarkable. I really think that it was his physical condition that saved his life. He was an absolutely amazing athlete.

Where Will struggles the most and needs help is with his physical therapy and emotional rehabilitation. He is obviously quite affected by his new life. Right now, he is not receiving any treatments for either, and in times of great emotional stress, he suffers from terrible convulsions. They have no money and no support and therefore, Will is still unable to to get the help that he needs.

If anyone would like to make a badly needed donation, you can send money through PayPal to either my email ( or to his brother’s email (

Thanks to everyone and PLEASE, spread this message!!!!! The entire MMA Community needs to know about Will and his struggle to survive.

Thank you


Mr. James Ryan

Freelance Mixed Martial Arts Sportswriter

have you talked to will personally???
If so I need to talk to you

Any way to help ? A donation maybe ? Phone Post

  My Friend, Will Ribeiro,

 Please know that my heart goes out to you. If i could i would do much more than just posting to an MMA forum. But, for now, this is all i can do. But i will get the word out for you, as much as i can.

 What i want to suggest is that Mr.Dana White, and the Fertitta brothers, as owners of Zuffa, the UFC, and the WEC, have a special event just for fighters like you. Not only to help those that are injured but, to start a fund that will help future victims of serious injury - in or out of the fighting arena.

 It's amazing athletes like yourself that we even exist to make people like them very successful. Without the fighters we have no sport. Without your devotion to training and dedication to the most grueling of all sporting events, we have nothing.

 Fighters like you are the reason any of us are here. Not only do you entertain & thrill us you also inspire us.

 God bless you, and i pray for your body to heal, and for your life to return to normal.

Your friend,



Please Support Will Ribeiro!

WEC fighter, wrecked on a motorcycle, spent 4 months battling for his life in acoma, his team turned his back he has no money, no mom and dad to help him, doctors said hes lucky to even be alive and said he wouldnt be able to walk again and he is, lost 50 percent of his vision, will never ever be able to fight again, all hopes and dreams are gone. cant even get treatment. HELP WILL TODAY!



  Meu amigo, Will Ribeiro,

 Por favor, saibam que meu coração está com você. Se eu pudesse eu faria muito mais do que apenas postar em um fórum de MMA. Mas, por agora, isso é tudo que eu posso fazer. Mas eu vou passar a palavra para você, tanto quanto eu puder.

 O que eu quero sugerir é que Mr.Dana Branco, e os irmãos Fertitta, como proprietários de Zuffa, a UFC e WEC, tem um evento especial só para os lutadores como você. Não só para ajudar aqueles que estão feridos, mas, para iniciar um fundo que ajudará futuras vítimas de lesões graves - dentro ou fora da arena de combate.

 É incrível como você atletas que ainda existem para fazer as pessoas gostarem delas muito bem sucedida. Sem os lutadores não temos nenhum esporte. Sem a sua dedicação à formação e à dedicação aos mais cruéis de todos os eventos esportivos, não temos nada.

 Lutadores como você é a razão pela qual qualquer um de nós aqui. Não só você entreter e emocionar-nos também nos inspiram.

 Deus abençoe você, e eu rezo para o seu corpo para curar, e para sua vida voltar ao normal.

Seu amigo,


Malachy Friedman - shano
have you talked to will personally???
If so I need to talk to you

Not personally. Though he's been chatting and messaging me on FB.

Doc T - Any way to help ? A donation maybe ? Phone Post

Go to

ok message me please

Malachy, I received your pm and returned it

Malachy Friedman - ok message me please

Why don't you just chat with me on FB?