Swanson: I feel like I'm the best in world

dushtin - 
OSBtro11 - I've never seen the Lamas fight , details ? Phone Post
He punches people good. Phone Post 3.0


Cub should get the next shot. I really hope they don't skip him and give it to the Penn vs Edgars winner. That wouldn't be right, cub has been very dominant. WAR CUB! Phone Post 3.0

i think he is top 5 for sure in the division but i wouldnt even say top 4 to be honest.

n5 - 
canadiankid - i think he is top 5 for sure in the division but i wouldnt even say top 4 to be honest.


considering he has loses to the top 3 and i dont think there is any way he could beat frankie that is not that funny sir

ISawSilva'sBONEr -
SpicyTaco20 - I thought Cub was dominating Lamas up until he got caught. I think right now Cub beats any 145'er Phone Post 3.0
Lol no. Aldo smokes him. Phone Post 3.0
Lol no. How so? You can't base it off there first fight which was 8 seconds lonh Phone Post 3.0

ISawSilva'sBONEr -
Damaynevent -
Kentpaul - Aldo steals his lunch money again
Both are different fighters now. I think Cub and Mendes would give Aldo major problems now. Aldo hasn't looked anything close to the Aldo that was wrecking people in the WEC. Maybe the competition is tougher, but both Mendes and Cub have been looking dominant and finishing really tough competition. Phone Post 3.0
lol wut.

Ktfo Mendes

Dominated the former LW champ

Finished Jung Phone Post 3.0
Dominated Edgar? Nooo Phone Post 3.0

Frankie did his basic bouncing around thing while getting lit up the whole fight, dominant win for Aldo in my eyes, way more dominant than guys like Penn or Bendo.