tapped out a bjj black belt!

by what i call cheating!@

my cousin is a gracie trained bjjer and this weekend i drunk rolled with him.

i am bigger and stronger than him. i took him down and made him submit with a thumblock!!!

this is a guy i beat in hs w/ a wristlock so i know his weakness! however he went to brazil, married a braz wife and he is a#1!

yea right, i still can sub his skinny asssssssssssssssssssss

lol and hahaahahehehehehehehehhe

gain some weight vinnie and lift weights!!!!!!!!!!

bjj and weakness cant beat wrestling!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shootfightermike = Master Joint Locker 

vincent you sob!

i love jouint locksssssssssssssssssss

Hey, I tapped out a Carlson Gracie black belt in Rio. But I was taking privates from him at the time, and I think he let me tap him so that I'll continue to take some privates.

arent' they join locks?

ur cousin is a blackbelt ?

shootfightermike baited him into his game


shootfightermike = master baiter

lol he is still nad at me!

no rematch unless we are drunk!

I don't think Luke "Gracie" Beston is a black belt yet