Tate: I think Ronda is so crazy

it will be funny to see how far she pushes Ronda.....likes Dana said, Ronda has a bit of that Diaz crazy I don't give a fuck attitude. Will be funny to see if Tate pushes her too far and we see a woman snap an arm a la Mir/Sylvia

"She was able to take everything that meant anything away from me"

so either rousey took caraway away, or he doesn't mean anything to tate.

spiral - "She was able to take everything that meant anything away from me"

so either rousey took caraway away, or he doesn't mean anything to tate.

don't go on the interwebs without your helmet Jimmy



WeidmansPHD_in_G0atslaying_fr0m_h0fstra_U -
spiral - "She was able to take everything that meant anything away from me"

so either rousey took caraway away, or he doesn't mean anything to tate.

don't go on the interwebs without your helmet Jimmy



Gold. Phone Post 3.0

JerodR - People get on JBJ because they say he is fake. At least Ronda says how she feels good or bad. I don't care how she comes off on the show I will still like her because at least she is honest. Phone Post 3.0

That is such a BS comment.

Do you think anybody who has an agent and is a professional athlete is truly honest.

Dude you are fucking disillusion.People in the limelight are honest and open UP TO A CERTAIN POINT. Its the same for people in general.

So while Ronda might come across and more open and less sneaky then Miesha we really know very little of her and what we will know about her will only be more controlled and rated in the near future.

I can respect the fact that you have a personal preference for Ronda over Miesha but please do not let the main argument be her ''honesty''.

Anyways i think TUF will probably be a good job for the rating but i will be able to miss it like Jose Aldo kidney stones,especially after last year classy season.

I do not care much for either lady and the combination of both really leads to annoyance. I will watch it because i try to watch anything MMA related but combine the cat fight with female fighters and lighter weight classes and it is going to be a trialling experience for me personally (though i will be in the minority surely).

Still if i had to give a judgment Roussey started out slightly less annoying then Tate. Unfortunately for her Tate seemed to have matured while Roussey has gone full blown crazy. She indeed seems like a mix between a Diaz brother and a petulant fat girl that used to get teased a lot and now is out to take revenge on the popular kids now that she lost her weight and has a need boyfriend in her life to support her (because we all know Daddy Dana role in her rise to fame right).

I am calling shenanigans on the whole business and will give my love and support to more deserving female fighters (like Becs and McMan) and will reminisce over the days when the Queen of elegance and beauty ruled female MMA, Miss Gina Carano.

MT11 - I'm sure she is, she's a woman Phone Post 3.0
Bibles full of truth here Phone Post 3.0

jdindiana - 
MMA Lives Here -
garrote - "So she can't keep him out of her mouth"

Phone Post 3.0
. Phone Post 3.0
. Phone Post 3.0

Voted garrote TFU for that gif lol.

mma interpreter - 
ProteinOverdrive -
garrote - 
Jack_Bauer -

Damn 7 years and no ring?

Hahaha my chick would kill me. Or just leave me. But definitely not announce it. Phone Post 3.0

Why? What's the big deal? That's how relationships are now in Europe, no one gets married.

Because ex-girlfriends can't collect alimony Phone Post

Americans will catch on, they're just a lil slower about it. But the legal system will figure out a way to ruin it, the lawyers need to get paid.

Good hype but its just going to be another arm shredding. Phone Post

Id rather be crazy than bitter, jealous and incapable accepting blame for my own loss - blaming everyone but the Arena popcorn vendor for her broken face.

I don't think she is wrong about Rousey being jelly of Tate having a man. I mean, OK I get the history, but she talks about them NONSTOP..and after her livejournal leaked you can totally tell, her upbringing absolutely fucked her up.

In fact, since she mentioned eating disorders and weight gain before, I was always thinking that in her teens she must have been extremely self conscious, self-critical and judgemental of her body issues. It was nothing like the journal revealed, though.

I bet she comes off better than Honda in TUF because she can trailer park strategize the drama with Capn Douchetastic Brian between training sessions. And Honda's got it all bottled up not getting laid while training TUF.

GNPfan -

"So she can’t keep him out of her mouth."


Buahahaha love Rock N Rolla Phone Post 3.0

fightharder - Anyways i think TUF will probably be a good job for the rating but i will be able to miss it like Jose Aldo kidney stones,especially after last year classy season.

I do not care much for either lady and the combination of both really leads to annoyance. I will watch it because i try to watch anything MMA related but combine the cat fight with female fighters and lighter weight classes and it is going to be a trialling experience for me personally (though i will be in the minority surely).

Still if i had to give a judgment Roussey started out slightly less annoying then Tate. Unfortunately for her Tate seemed to have matured while Roussey has gone full blown crazy. She indeed seems like a mix between a Diaz brother and a petulant fat girl that used to get teased a lot and now is out to take revenge on the popular kids now that she lost her weight and has a need boyfriend in her life to support her (because we all know Daddy Dana role in her rise to fame right).

I am calling shenanigans on the whole business and will give my love and support to more deserving female fighters (like Becs and McMan) and will reminisce over the days when the Queen of elegance and beauty ruled female MMA, Miss Gina Carano.

So you think because I would rather pull for Ronda because I think she is honest in her opinions, it is stupid because I only see her on TV and don't know her. However, at the same time you only see her on TV and actually think she is "full blown crazy" because you see her on TV...
