Tate was out.

she was hugging her, in congratulations.

You can get choked out from the arm on chin. With enough pressure, the jaw pressed into the neck will cut off circulation.

I'm with you, Trump, that's exactly what I thought too, watching it live. Just rewatching it now. Definitely looked out of it, at least. I wonder if she tapped, sorta went to sleep but not quite, and then woke up with no memory of tapping. She seemed to be unaware that she'd tapped.

She simply broke into an ill-timed impression..

Phone Post 3.0

Bingo'd by Bisping -
Big_Data - 
Jiu Jitsunami -

So the Brazilian champion drought lasted two whole days

Yeah now they've got 1. Phone Post 3.0

Jose and Amanda
Did the UFC strip Conor of his title? Phone Post 3.0

QuadAces -
Bingo'd by Bisping -
Big_Data - 
Jiu Jitsunami -

So the Brazilian champion drought lasted two whole days

Yeah now they've got 1. Phone Post 3.0

Jose and Amanda
Did the UFC strip Conor of his title? Phone Post 3.0
They should have before now........but still won't. Phone Post 3.0

Always awkward when fighters over-congratulate the person who just whipped that ass...

Just a quick "good job" and handshake is more than enough. Phone Post 3.0

Positive Energy - Always awkward when fighters over-congratulate the person who just whipped that ass...

Just a quick "good job" and handshake is more than enough. Phone Post 3.0
For you. Maybe not for them I guess. Phone Post 3.0

Robbbahram -
Samoa - 
Robbbahram - tate wanted no part of that. the choke was around the chin.
Arm on chin can be a pain sub / jaw cracker. Phone Post 3.0

yea can be painful, but u dont tap from it. in training sure.. sucks dont want to deal with the annoying pain,but not in a title fight. nothing would have happened.
Get a load of this tough cunt. Phone Post 3.0

im_scared_of_the_spider_homie -
Robbbahram -
Samoa - 
Robbbahram - tate wanted no part of that. the choke was around the chin.
Arm on chin can be a pain sub / jaw cracker. Phone Post 3.0

yea can be painful, but u dont tap from it. in training sure.. sucks dont want to deal with the annoying pain,but not in a title fight. nothing would have happened.
Get a load of this tough cunt. Phone Post 3.0
Lmao. Yeah, let a strong practitioner lock that in on your jaw, you'll tap. Phone Post 3.0

Donald Trump - 
im_scared_of_the_spider_homie -
Robbbahram -
Samoa - 
Robbbahram - tate wanted no part of that. the choke was around the chin.
Arm on chin can be a pain sub / jaw cracker. Phone Post 3.0

yea can be painful, but u dont tap from it. in training sure.. sucks dont want to deal with the annoying pain,but not in a title fight. nothing would have happened.
Get a load of this tough cunt. Phone Post 3.0
Lmao. Yeah, let a strong practitioner lock that in on your jaw, you'll tap. Phone Post 3.0



To be fair, I don't think Nunes has the kind of power that would result in a dislocated or broken jaw. Not by a long shot.

The choke started out across the chin, but then moved to the neck, whence the tap and abbreviated nap.