Based on some of the concerns many of you have expressed about low pay for Pros, no insurance provided by promoters, etc..I wanted to post an email I sent out to all TBA members a few weeks back. I will just post the entire email, but the main points I want to express are the bullets about the benefits we are providing. Please read and give me your feedback, it would be appreciated:
Sa Wadee Krup,
I trust this day finds everyone doing well! I am sending everyone this email to bring you up to date with our plans and goals for the newly formed Thai Boxing Association Sanctioning Authority. I am also asking for your assistance with leads and contact information for possible sponsors while we build this Org.
Let me begin with our plans and goals:
The TBA-SA is being set up as a Not-for-Profit organization. This process takes time to finalize, but we have begun the initial steps. Once established, we can solicit larger corporations to aid in sponsoring/funding the many projects we have planned for the TBA-SA. One obstacle I see for future growth of Muay Thai is the fact that there are not enough promoters setting up fights. As well, many fighters are forced to compete only in their respective regions or participate in alternative sports such as MMA, due to lack of capital from the promoters. Let's face it, it is not cheap to put on a quality sanctioned event. So, one of our goals is to establish more regional and state promoters within the TBA-SA, and utilize corporate funding to assist with the expenses incurred with promoting an event. This will allow the promoters to bring fighters in from farther distances, which will also provide more opportunities for fighters to gain experience. The more amateurs can gain experience on a national and international level (not confined to just regional), the more we can build up the Professional ranks. It is a win/win/win scenario.
Let me just highlight some of the goals we have in store:
One unified set of rules/regs to be accepted by all State Athletic Commissions, in an effort to be allowed Full Muay Thai rules for both amateur and professional bouts.
A "group" accident insurance policy that covers a fighter at all TBA-SA sanctioned events. This would require a membership fee (small) from all fighters and would lower overhead for all promoters.
A passbook (provided with same membership fee) that would allow the TBA-SA to track all fight experience for all registered fighters (to the best of our ability) in an effort to ensure all bouts are matched fairly to give the fighters the best experience and the paying spectators the best possible show.
Possible group health insurance that would assist those who operate the gyms full time thus not benefitting from large company group plans.
Tuition Assistance Programs for lower income students. This would greatly increase the growth of Muay Thai in all gyms and give all athletes a chance to train and compete, not just those that can afford it.
College scholarships for those students who excell in their communities and at their respective gyms.
A marketing director(s) who will assist promoters in securing sponsorship funds and assist with marketing techniques to increase ticket sales.
A "travel expense" fund which will be used to assist promoters in flying in fighters from those longer distances. This would also allow the TBA-SA to crown more "true champions" with titles internationally.
There are several more items we are discussing, one being the implementation of a rules system much like that of Europe with the A,B,C,D classes. Some of you have already received an email regarding this and I have received a few responses, thank you for those.
I know many of you are already planning the attendance of the TBA Open June 16th here in Des Moines Iowa and bringing your fighters to compete. I encourage as many of you as possible to attend, whether you have fighters or not, so you can voice your thoughts in our meeting on the Friday night, the 15th. At this meeting we will dicuss all of the above and more, with one another and Ajarn Chai, and together, come up with some solid directions. We cannot hear your opinions if you are not there to voice them. You can answer questions and represent your area better then an email can.
Now, regarding sponsors for this event: Pam and I are working extremely hard to put all of this together. Some of you are aware of the workload we have taken on. There are simply NOT enough hours in the day to accomplish everything necessary to make this succussful with just two people doing the work. We wanted to allow fighters to compete in this tournament without paying high registration fees. We feel the fighters should not have to pay to compete. Even though there are expenses that have to be covered, we are doing it through other means and would greatly appreciate any help from others. We have limited capital to work with while the TBA-SA is being established and the paperwork is being finalized. Once that is done, as noted above, we will be able to reach out to larger businesses for assistance.
Securing sponsors to aid with this Inaugural tournament is essential. Time is short but we do have some time left. We are asking for your assistance with sponsorships leads and contact information. Many of you may own your own companies or you know of others who own their companies and can benefit from the international exposure of being a sponsor of this event. The event will be getting national media exposure. "Muay Thaimes", a fast growing publication in NewYork focusing solely on the community of Muay Thai, will be present to cover the event, the participants, and its sponsors! It will also be covered by local newspapers, magazines and broadcast television stations. Please contact me asap if you have interest or know of those who may. I can forward you the sponsor packages we have set up and the many, many benefits we are offering.
Khaaw hai khoon dai dtaae sing thee dee thee soot
Khru Pete Peterson
Roundkick Promotions
Carroll Iowa, USA
Cell: 712-304-0457