Teila Tuli vs Gerard Gordeau

This was fun to watch when it was a new phenom and so the same with Kimbo x Bo

EliteXC = Up and coming event

I agree many similaritie. Tuli lost a tooth, Bo lost credibility.

Tuli was a wus for not continuing.. damn the UFC sucked back then ..... yea ok.

I don't see how the two can be compared. When that tooth flew from Tuli's mouth and he had that look of "He hit me, not FAIR," it was in my opinion the greatest moment in modern martial arts history.

Kimbo smackin' that ass was just cool

Multiple teeth. One remained in Gordeau's foot, and he came out for the next fight with it still in there.

No. Gordeau's foot was broken but there was no tooth imbedded in it.

Did someone mention me?

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anyone find that tooth?

I remember Gerard's hand being broke, but not his foot.

I remember his foot being very swollen for the next fight.

No ..............He broke his hand in the next fight against the canadien guy.

I thought that he ended up with a nasty infection b/c of that kick (lots of bacteria in the mouth) and got quite sick.


Facts: Teila Tuli was no wuss. He took a thai kick to the face when he was down and a huge hook to follow. The referee stepped in and broke it up. Tuli was devastated and looked as if he was about to cry when he understood they wouldn't let him continue.

The fight is one of the old legendary "example fights" that portrays NHB. One kick - huge gash in the foot (Dunno if he got an infection but I doubt it, that was just something the silly commentating woman rambled about). One bareknuckle punch - broken hand.

End note: In that particular fight Gordeau had something we rarely saw in the early UFCs - a perfect gameplan and execution of it.
Back then we would always defend our "NHB" with the thesis that bareknuckle punches makes your hand break and therefore you can only throw a few punches, as opposed to boxing where gloves enables you to punch each other forever. With gloves, we lost that one, haha.

He broke his hand with that punch, it is visibly swollen in his next fight.

The Tuli fight was stoped because Gordeau's hook opened a very
dangerous cut inside Tuli's eye. He could have lost an eye if that

Unlike most guys in the early UFCs Gordeau knew what he was doing in
there and he was definately a finisher.

The Gracies said they thought he was a dangerous fighter, and they were
right. HIs two fights from UFC 1 were true lessons in bareknuckle
brutality . . . and yes he broke his hand and foot before getting in the
ring with Royce for the final match.

I was born for this thread, let me bask in my glory. Ever since being knocked out, I've taken early retirement and live on the Island of Mepos with Balky from perfect strangers.

Damn You are tuli.

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"I was born for this thread, let me bask in my glory. Ever since being knocked out, I've taken early retirement and live on the Island of Mepos with Balky from perfect strangers."

LOL, tell that Meposian bastard he still owes me money for the wagon ride to the airport.

A tooth was in Gordeau's foot. They were trying to get him to a hospital between fights because of it, but he refused.

is he related to tila tequila?