Men that are fans of a violent sport discussing lyrics written by a feminist? Is that the definition of ironing?
Oh yeah, voted up OP.
Like meeting the man or your dreams, and then meeting his beeeeautiful wife.
Great post, VTFU OP. and the ironing is strong.
Pessimist_Pete - I don't think you know what "irony" means
I'll admit it, I was a doubter. I didn't talk any shit, but I thought Guida unfortunately showed why we wouldn't see a guy like Pettis be able to put on similar performances at the UFC level.
Glad I was 100% wrong. Vote up OP.
I like this. Yeah I like it a lot. Vtfu op
Of or like Iron: "An irony grey colour."
Fraser_Finlay - Irony:An Iron made pillow would be irony irony
Of or like Iron: "An irony grey colour."

It's a beautiful thing, this ironing.
Strikeforce def came in and proved they belonged. Very impressive debuts.
Like a brand new pair of slacks freshly folded with a crisp crease, but then it's cold outside and the clown is dead.
yellow wrkahlc is dead -Pessimist_Pete - I don't think you know what "irony" meansIrony = most people said they couldn't hang with the UFC LWs, and now they're fighting each other for the championship.
I don't think YOU know what irony means. That, or reading comprehension escapes you.
Hi Alanis!
yellow wrkahlc is dead -Pessimist_Pete - I don't think you know what "irony" meansIrony = most people said they couldn't hang with the UFC LWs, and now they're fighting each other for the championship.
I don't think YOU know what irony means. That, or reading comprehension escapes you.
not irony
cool thread OP, I'm glad we were all able to discuss the definition of irony.
Irony's true meaning is "used for various thing besides proper use"
yellow wrkahlc is dead -Ah I see

You forgot to mention Varner pulling the upset over Barboza! Another WEC veteran upsetting a big up and coming UFC fighter that everyone was saying would be the next champ.
behrens14 - You forgot to mention Varner pulling the upset over Barboza! Another WEC veteran upsetting a big up and coming UFC fighter that everyone was saying would be the next champ.I threw Varner's name under the iron, go look