The deal that didn't get done.

vagabond - 
PrestigeWorldwide - To be in....or not to be in????

Oh you wanna be in.

The time is meow.

VU lol

cfv -
vagabond -
HandyDarsh - They brought that cat meme on to a www program? Times have changed Phone Post 3.0

Yeah, I did a literal face palm when I saw it. Lol

Doink the clown is rolling in his grave.
It got lots of boos, apparently the creative people at wwe are a year behind times Phone Post 3.0
Haha what a horrendous idea. Phone Post 3.0

dannyapodaca - 
DalyDentedDecimated'sDome -
vagabond - Stephanies tits alone wouldn't make the 135 lb limit

Ronda would get her in a tit bar.  And i'd have my dick in a dick bar, you better believe.

Stephanie black dress gifs 001

Thank you Phone Post 3.0

Whats up with the kid who has those tits two feet from him, but is staring in the ring licking his lips?

xsrg95 - where they promoting that Christmas movie coming out or just a random cat that looks like the meme
A Lifetime movie about a cat meme.

That's 'Inception' level stuff with 45 year old fat secretaries wearing cat sweatshirts and pissing their pantsuits to old ass "Tootin' Babies In Bathtub" videos sent to them in an email chain.

I've zero clue who WWE was targeting with this unless they think fat, smelly guys who chant for CM Punk will suddenly watch Lifetime or if the aforementioned cat ladies would sit through WWE just to see glimpses of a cat.

UFC would totally put Grumpy Cat on Fight Pass. Phone Post 3.0

dannyapodaca - 
DubsAli -
dannyapodaca - 
DalyDentedDecimated'sDome -
vagabond - Stephanies tits alone wouldn't make the 135 lb limit

Ronda would get her in a tit bar.  And i'd have my dick in a dick bar, you better believe.

Stephanie black dress gifs 001

Thank you Phone Post 3.0

Whats up with the kid who has those tits two feet from him, but is staring in the ring licking his lips?
Come on dude. That's the look away. He's actually staring right at them hence the lip licking. Phone Post 3.0

Knowing the current raw audience, 20 bucks says he's starting at ryback......

dhughes - 
vagabond - 
dannyapodaca - 
DubsAli -
dannyapodaca - 
DalyDentedDecimated'sDome -
vagabond - Stephanies tits alone wouldn't make the 135 lb limit

Ronda would get her in a tit bar.  And i'd have my dick in a dick bar, you better believe.

Stephanie black dress gifs 001

Thank you Phone Post 3.0

Whats up with the kid who has those tits two feet from him, but is staring in the ring licking his lips?
Come on dude. That's the look away. He's actually staring right at them hence the lip licking. Phone Post 3.0

Knowing the current raw audience, 20 bucks says he's starting at ryback......

Notice the subtle hand movement - signifying lust and frustration combined with the lip bite. That dude's ready to dude bang.

There's a pic of a chick with giant knockers...but let's analyze this hot dude in the background....for research, tough boys.

This post confuses me.

In a good way.

DalyDentedDecimated'sDome - 
vagabond - Stephanies tits alone wouldn't make the 135 lb limit

Ronda would get her in a tit bar.  And i'd have my dick in a dick bar, you better believe.

Stephanie black dress gifs 001