“The gauntlet” in BJJ is dumb as hell

I’ve been through one, many years ago. Some of the guys I got promoted with are in the UFC now.

This definitely makes more sense but the act itself is beyond stupid. It hurts the academy so much by making it look like barbaric hazing to anyone contemplating trying out Jiu jitsu.

I’ve never felt closer to anyone after hitting them with that belt. The majority of tight relationships in Jiu jitsu are from training with each other so much…not from wipping someone imo

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They just did it at the UFC PI in Florida two nights ago.

I got my blue belt in 2000 and there was no belt whipping gauntlet, but they did it in 2003 when I got my purple belt. Then I got my brown in 2006 and black in 2008 and there was no gauntlet but they did this thing where the higher ranks throw you. Lots of guys got hurt doing stupid throws. Actually, I remember a guy did a fireman’s carry that he’d never even practiced before. He lifted the other guy up but then lost his balance and stumbled across the mat and they both almost went down some stairs. Actually, they did that they judo too. When I got my orange belt, this fat guy who didn’t like me threw me with o-soto-guruma and knocked me out. I woke up and my nose was bleeding. Anyway, it’s all stupid stuff “tough guys” do to feel tough but martial arts is all about that

I don’t think its a great thing either, but, I’ve partaken. The school i trained at for 10 years never did it. I moved to another, and we did it. It wasnt terrible. It was playful. Kid got his blue belt and we had him run the gauntlet. It was less ceremonial, more like “congrats bro,” and we moved on. That instructor wasnt there long so we never did it again but I think the kid enjoyed the attention. If I do it, it will be very personal for that student but it will never be a required part of getting promoted.

I was at the Gracie academy in Torrance once years ago and some guy got his black belt after class. He was an old, thin little guy and the vibe was akin to a person being given an award for community service. Then a guy who was visiting from another academy screams “make him run the gauntlet!” and cracks his belt like a whip. Everyone just looked at him like he was a crazy person. I think Rener said “Bro, we don’t do that here.”

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I’d rather run the gauntlet than have a promotion day, where you pay 30$ for an açaí bowl and a piece of tape on your belt.

UFC PI in Florida did it again last night.