fuck that would have been epic
Hazmat would rape Conor in the Octagon worse than Khabib did
Edited as I posted in WT (Wong Thwead)
But you didn’t.
Solid bump.
Lol nitrous oxide. Used by psychonauts, happy festival goers and trash assholes that consume it in bulk. I wonder where mcg lands…
What a piece of shit this guy is.
I wonder what slap on the wrist the Irish justice system will give him for endangering peoples lives this time.
So what your saying is… if I rape a chick I can blame all the fighters that TKOd me?
I’ve heard crazier things lately.
the irish justice system is scared shitless of the IRA.
look at all of prison staff that have been murdered on their way homes after upsetting some of the ira prisoners.
And yes, I’m sure Conor knows a few of them.
The Irish justice system is a joke and they should be ashamed of themselves for letting off human garbage.
Because you’re a rapist. We don’t need to see you in your underwear playing touch butt.
Hey rapist, are you still there?
And Okimoto and a few others seem to believe that Conor McGregor can back down to 155
Where’s the dork in the park these days?
Wtf is that really a pic of Conner?
Err didn’t. Jake pop for an illegal substance tho?
Yeah Jake has popped.
And I used to train with Jake at Renzos and I remember him being complimentary of him. People like using Conor’s name for clout, social media has made idiots of everyone.
Big Shamus the Rapist still talking a big game on social media, yet he hasn’t won a fight since Obama was president: