The last time Joe Rogan called out a fixed fight

This was the last time Joe Rogan called out a fixed fight before he decided to stop ruffling feathers as his podcast got bigger

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If I was independently wealthy, still young and already retired, no doubt all I would do is sit around making threads about “fixed fights” on an MMA discussion forum!


I haven’t posted here for a longass time. We created our accounts at the same time within a year of each other. You have 12.8k total posts. I have 5.2k total posts, and most of those are from years ago. I haven’t really posted much on this forum for the past 3-4 years. I think it is safe to say that I used my time more wisely than you did over the past 6 years to change my life for the better :rofl: :wink:

Started to watch and then saw he was talking to that functioning retard, Schuab. Remembered I have to go clean the dog crap up in the yard before my wife gets home.

who cares about schaub, listen to the points that rogan is making. That’s all that matters


The absolute lack of self awareness to suggest you’re better than someone because they participate on a forum, on the same forum.


All the shit he’s done over the years, especially when a lot of those things could of justified being cut, you think one loss gets him the chop?

I’m guessing this is a response to my Jon Jones thread? You’re horribly lost little buddy.