I wrote this article a few years back, but my website host crashed my website and it was lost with many other articles.
I recently found it!!
Enjoy, Its a true story.
CountKomaNewsletter - I wrote this article a few years back, but my website host crashed my website and it was lost with many other articles.
I recently found it!!
Enjoy, Its a true story.
That link takes folks to your wordpress login.
You probably want to correct the URL.
Plus you wrote an article about him and can't even spell his name?
found the article by google searching the title.
Dude, I am sorry, but you need to take a high school freshman level grammar course. You never start a sentence with the word "and". This is so bad.
it is also filled with utter fiction. tony desouza does not have "three schools in lima". That is just not true. I was in lima two weeks ago. That is utter nonsense. What is wrong with you? Do you have brain damage? This is like something a 4th grader wrote.
higherprim your a noodle dick.
Please note that article was written a few years ago.
Desouza may not have the same schools he has now
Also please note that the individual who gave me the info
WAS in Peru and provided me the information that was given
to him from Desouza's instructor.
It may be different now douche bag. READ my post.
how old are you?
So you made an argument that I didn't check my facts and you didnt buttress your own counter argument stating your contrary facts.
At least I have the balls to venue my own writing and stand by it, Eddie Edmunds
I could literally write better while blackout drunk. You write like someone who never graduated high school.
and FYI I don't have to present "counter facts" that schools don't exist, because, as you would realize if you ever had to take a philosophy 101 class, you don't have to prove a negative. This article literally contains no information. I feel sad I wasted my brainpower on it. You must come from a strange place if you can genuinely look at that piece of "writing" and think "wow I did a good job! I bet people would be interested in what i have written here! This is pretty good".
Consider this your schaub talk for writing.
Your still in high school prim.
Nice to read your rudimentary, sophomoric posts.
Not bad for a pre-pubescent punk
Its not hard to stereotype you:
Insecure, low-life on the forums, has a black belt in teenage satire,
authority on mma without training
Re-read my post. At least I stand by my own writing and work.
Actually im 24 you weirdo stalker. Its pathetic that you can't take criticism.
oh and uh, without training? Fairly certain I would tear your ankle off.
sips tea
but thats neither here nor there. We are talking about your writing, and..... its terrible
Carson's Corner radio show,
My student gave me the name of the pitbull at one point, but
I was unable to verify his competing record, so i didnt update it in the article.
Thanks for the inquiry!
higherprimate718 - it is also filled with utter fiction. tony desouza does not have "three schools in lima". That is just not true. I was in lima two weeks ago. That is utter nonsense. What is wrong with you? Do you have brain damage? This is like something a 4th grader wrote.
What are you basing this on? Did you go and train? I trained at his Sniper Gym back in 2010 in Miraflores and I believe he had at least one other gym in Lima at the time also.
higherprimate718 - and FYI I don't have to present "counter facts" that schools don't exist, because, as you would realize if you ever had to take a philosophy 101 class, you don't have to prove a negative. This article literally contains no information. I feel sad I wasted my brainpower on it. You must come from a strange place if you can genuinely look at that piece of "writing" and think "wow I did a good job! I bet people would be interested in what i have written here! This is pretty good".Where is philosophy 101 offered?
Thread took a weird turn, but Tony is a super nice guy and a great instructor. Took my very first class from him and will always remember it. Awesome to read he's apparently doing very well back home.
My god that negative fuck necro'd this hard.
Say, what's going on in here anyway?
Carcaju, Thanks for the feedback. I would love to hear more about his school and
your experience. Did you ever see Desouza. I guess the guy is a bit difficult to find.
He strikes me as the classic creative type.
Nice to hear that my writing was more or less accurate.
did the guys go ballistic during training or was it mellow. My student told me the
guys trained pretty mad dawg there.
even though this was a few years back, my guys came back and were obsessed
with training No Gi and all they could talk about was Desouza and the Peruvian
And after they came back, they had zero interest in training Gi.
Sennin where did you train with Desouza?
I have wondered what his Monk guard is all about. I love the name.
Carson's Corner radio show, what is the uggp.
Storkukidinmun, what's going on here? I posted my article and got sideswiped. Love it!