The Real Urine Drinkers Thread

is it gay to extend the picky while sippin ones own piss?

lol, they were serious questions at first..... now it's all gone to hell!!!

Stakk5150 - is it gay to extend the picky while sippin ones own piss?

 Gay not too, per Miss Manners.

I have some pretty bad skin problems, and while I was in California last winter, this Holistic healer had me trying this diet that she told me would clear up my skin. It included absolutely no wheat, no eggs, and a long list of other things I was possibly allergic too. The diet also included taking all of these enzymes i had to eat with every meal, and a bunch of other supplements. And when I really started to follow the diet she came out with the drink your urine thing that was a little bit too much for me. I can't remember how she justified drinking your pee, but i think she said it held a lot of nutrients that your body needs. Too much for me