The Return of Mark Kerr(SPOILER)

Mark Kerr lost by TKO in about 20 seconds to Yamamoto in Pride tonite.


Kerr got the takedown, was rolled/reversed, and 3 punches later is KOed and the ref stopped it.

...from the Pridecast, they said he didn't look like too bad of shape, but looked smaller.

Kerrs skills were totally dependent on him being a huge roid monster. He hasn´t been the same after he lost his roid mass...

Here's a pic-


I guess when he is not all juiced up, he is just an average fighter.............

He weighed 115KGs according to Pride. That´s about 255 lbs. Yamamoto was way smaller...

NCAA champs now have no skill, amazing.....

I was there. It looked (albeit only when I watched the replay on the big TV) like Kerr may have knocked himself out. He was very hesitant at the start of the match, but then he finally shot a double, picked Yamamoto up way high, and when he was bringing him down, Yamamoto was holding his head (as is usually the case in MMA), but Kerr's head hit the mat first, and I think that was what knocked him out. (Or maybe it just dazed him and he realized that he doesn't like fighting anymore and just quit...who knows.)

very disappointing fight at anyrate...

that is sad, Kerr is done. He wasted his potential

Yamamoto was holding his head (as is usually the case in MMA), but Kerr's head hit the mat first, and I think that was what knocked him out.So Yamamoto countered a takedown with the DDT? Cool. :-)

actually that is what happened...kinda funny in that sense, but a real let-down if you are watching it live

Kerr will need some painkillers after that match

I wish I knew what SPOILER meant before I clicked on this thread. Damn.

When is it on PPV in north america?

"he wasn't roid monster was he? I thought he was shooting painkillers."

In the Smashing Machine, Mark Kerr starts throwing away all his bottles and needles, placing them in bags and then putting them in a dumpster. Unless I am mistaken, some of the bottles were insulin. They caught my eye mainly because I have been a diabetic since age 12. Insulin is used by bodybuilders because they help increase size in some way. I don't know the complete scientific reason for why insulin helps but it is used for that purpose. Insulin has no painkiller uses that I am aware of.

So it is my guess, and only a guess, that if Mark Kerr was using insulin then he was using other steroids and/or growth hormones. I see no reason why he would take insulin and NOT take other drugs. In fact, I think he would probably try other substances before insulin.

But this is mere speculation on my part. I like Kerr...sorry that he has had such a screwed up time over the last few years.
