So after hooping one day at the gym, my friend Mike (a Maui native now living in NYC) and I observed that one of the other guys we were playing against had a wife/girlfriend who looked to have a tinge of Downs Syndrome. Maybe she's hapa-tard.
Mike and I started to argue about the girl's mental status. I said she was just ugly but Mike says she's legit tard. This debate led us to another discussion about the legality of a normal person marrying and even mating (*vomits) with a tard. Mike said it was LEGAL and that it does happen. I said there can be no state that would allow that. To me, that's more predatory than taking a 13 year old bride.
Any 'experts' out there on this subject?
...and sorry to anyone offended by my use of 'tard.' Just doing internet shorthand. Its too much typing to use the p.c. verbage.
I think its legal to marry a tard Pat. My wife did.
Source: American Association of Mental Retardation - Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons:
The right to marry and to have a family of his or her own.
Any retarded citizen who can be effectively self-supporting, and who can be reasonably expected to discharge effectively the obligations of marriage and parenthood, should be permitted to marry and to raise a family ; in no even, once a retarded person is married, should this marriage be annulled on the basis of the exclusive circumstance of mental retardation, nor should that person's right to bear and rear children be abridged. If a genetically transmitted condition exists, the retarded person should receive appropriate genetic counseling to ensure his understanding of the condition. If it should become evident that a retarded individual has become incapable of rearing his or her children, as may occur with nonretarded parents, the same legal and professional procedures concerning parenthood that are applicable to families of nonretarded citizens should be applied to those retarded citizens.
sweet jesus!
Yeah, tards are people people... If redneck in born fucks can marry so can they
i agree that tards are people. but kids are people, and they arent allowed to marry and mate. tards seem more like kids to me.
this brings up whole other discussion...
maybe instead of assigning ID cards to people, the government should assign IQ cards. maybe intelligence instead of age should determine one's right to access certain services and businesses. a "doorman" checks your IQ card, no matter what you do...
example #1
I'm sorry sir, we cant let you into this book store because your IQ card clearly states that you have an IQ of 38.
example #2
lets see, your IQ card says that you have a 38. this is a country come on in!
In a model society dumb asses can only do dumb ass jobs and drive in the dumb ass lanes.
The rest would be reserved for smarter people
so if a 14yr old girl has an IQ of 100 she can legally have consensual sex?
tard pron?
w t f
all you fuggers are going to me a spot, cause tard pron would be LMAO!
It depends what constitutes a tard. Shit if you couldn't date anyone with an IQ below 75, that would immediately eliminate half of the female population from the dating scene.
GregHonda - so if a 14yr old girl has an IQ of 100 she can legally have consensual sex?
I like the way you think.....
that is if everyone else is cool with the way you think.
If that comment was offense and wrong however, then you Sir, should be ashamed of yourself!
I'm on the line.
btw, i believe teh proper term is just plain TARD.
Thank yuuuu