Listen here RorysGaylove Giblert is in reference to all Gilbert’s and has been since Giblert Mendelez, Anderson Aldo and all the other Reebok fuck ups.
Quite frankly your behaviour is unbecoming of a man so stop being a pillow biter and pull ya fucken head in.
Lol at you coming out the woodwork now, getting that little amount of bravery you never had. You want me to bump the thread where I embarrassed you for the know-nothing newb you are.
You can never dive deeper into actual discussion, because you don’t know enough about fighting to even talk about fighting like that. Which is why you always use vague terms and speak in worthless generalities. Your “knowledge” consists of using verbiage because you know nothing about actual fighting
I’m the boxing/striking expert. I get paid for my breakdowns. While no one gives a shit about you or anything you have to say. And unlike you, a worthless phaggot who knows nothing about fighting, I also know when to stay in my lane when working with my fighters who have their own grappling guys to go over the grappling with them. Know your place and know your role you worthless newb phaggot. Because you know absolutely nothing about fighting period
Go beat it you worthless phaggot. The only “training” you ever get is walking to your fridge. The only body part you ever “work out” is your fat fingers which have never touched pussy, to type away on your keyboard. You miserable old phaggot. You know nothing about fighting. You know nothing about what it means to train, schedule a camp, have a camp, and gameplan etc. Keep trolling and talking about fighting as vague as you can because you know nothing about fighting
So this is your schtick then. You start a thread then angrily screech at anyone that disagrees with you. Does the OG just serve as a way for you to try to get people to listen to you because no one gives a fuck what you say IRL?
You clearly believe in what you are saying. You remind me of those karate pedofiles that have a cult following. Or the Akido guys that have people believe their death touch bullshit.
Khamazat is a stud and Im excited to see what he can do. I hope he smashes Usman, that would make me happy.
But you are like the uncool kid no one wants to eat lunch with now wearing my favorite bands shirt. Cant wear their shirt anymore now that you do.
Khamzat has been hit 2x in 4 UFC fights. He has destroyed all his opponents in complete wipe outs. The guy’s he has faced aren’t top 5 contenders and some aren’t top 20 but the method in which he destroyed them is insane. Nobody has fucked up Gerald or The Leech like that ever.