The UG was acquired


Rumor has it that alta has already purchased the new forum after considering how tremendously valuable cranky old wingnut types are, just by existing.


Was it just the one mod that was bothering you or multiple?

Some shrewd bastards over at Alta.

I think it’s only one. Honestly, I think it was just a tiff.

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Yeah, saw the exchange. Would be a shame to lose Eskimo.


Just one, the rest are great. But honestly, the one is bad enough it makes me question the judgment of everyone involved. I mean that guy isn’t okay. He pissed me off but in hindsight I feel sorry for him.

are you guys gonna give the name / details? or what

I’m not interested in stirring it up again

fine :frowning:

was probably that dang Soup!! :smile:

Have any of these Altavista admins spoke up yet on the forums?

The other Alta mods and I will be holding a Reddit AMA as soon as we are ready


Nice to see soup back at least i suppose.


I have talked with the admins. No decision has been made. They are aware of our feelings.

The OG wil disappear when they start looking for their next round of funding or whenever their yuppie mc-online dojo members raise a stink.

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Most likely

I love our forum, but lol at it being part of anyone’s business plan for some white collar MMA workouts.

“Just ignore those guys. They came with the place.”

It would be like renovating a house and renting it out as an Airbnb, but then we all live in the basement and come up to use the kitchen.


Sweet headband bro.


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