The UG was acquired

So pretty much all the crybabies are back here huh?

  1. I say keep the pictures coming
  2. I want to know what Mod Eskimo got into it with. I didn’t even know alto was a mod.


Arod is a mod?

Come on Alta get Ur Top Men for this extreme load



They are a man down with Kirik now living in the Bahamas.


Is this what zuckaburg signed up for?

A bunch of people made a back up plan… and you were there. And yeah, the censorship has increased.

I just read this thread because I thought it was a bump from years ago. This will probably end up like any property Disney acquires and we’ll get a swell of new LGBTUVWXYZ rubbing the changes in on people who’ve been here a decade. Kirik was never one of us, and selling out proves it.

Only ONE can be King

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Larping MMA!!

even you can do it!

This guy went as tito ortiz on Halloween

this makes me think of the people who “hate cops” because they themselves are breaking the law.

“stupid cop stopped me and caught me with drugs! I hate his guts!”

mother fucker you know what game youre getting into. be respectful. everyone wants to break the law until its time they get caught. mother fucking pussies.



I saw a toddler swallow a sucker whole this past weekend, stick and all.

Not one of those little Dum Dums either, like a fat blowpop.

His Dad was in line in front of us, holding the baby with a slobbery sucker and playing the “Where are my ears? Where are my eyes?” game with him. The kid jabs his Dad in both eyes like Moe from the 3 Stooges, the guy squeals and drops him facedown.

At first there is no sound, and after flipping him over the kid has this confused and strangely pleased look. Then he finishes swallowing the sucker and takes to screaming, but gets over it so much faster than everyone else involved.

Bizarrely my first thought was “Fuck I totally missed my chance.” I’m not a monster, and in no way did I want this baby to choke on a lollipop, but I feel like that was my best shot yet to swoop in like the Kool Aid man and save the day. I could have milked that bit of hero status for the rest of my life, and even a bit after my death. Certainly if you resuscitate a baby that gets tagged onto your eulogy, right?

Kirik my point is that this is the only place that exists to find some other weirdo that might lament not being able to Heimlich a sucker out of a baby.

In this story, the Dad is the whole of the interwebs, and the violent idiot choking toddler is the UG. You are the rando in line that can save the day with your bravery and quick thinking, and enjoy your legend status beyond the grave.

Or you can stand with your hands in your pockets and watch this misfit baby turn blue and die. Maybe it’s better this way


That’s the type of shit I’m going miss.

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An artist….

leonardo dicaprio bravo GIF

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  1. worst story ever

  2. worst story ever

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I studied Shakespeare in the 10th grade and I feel like Kirik WAS the dad before he sold the OG, but he BECAME the sucker the very moment he sold the OG.

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someone threw a 14M number out there when discussing the sale

if so I honestly don’t blame him, the guy ain’t no spring chicken and looks like Dona Florinda on a good day


the lag in this place is ridiculous, to all my followers:

I created an account in the new new OG

14 million? Sheesh that’s a lot of wetsuits.