The WOOOOOO'S are back

Can’t say I missed them

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Annoying AF to be honest

Not as bad as “tu va motrid” or whatever the Brazilians chant

‘Space Mountain might be the oldest ride in the park but has the longest line… Woooooooo!!’ Ric Flair


ric flair GIF


Uh vai morrer

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What about the one woman that’s screaming like someone’s being eaten alive by Hyenas … conor v eddie is a good example of that shit… why doesn’t security throw them out !!!

From the stone cold Steve autism thread…woooooohhh

Are there fights on?

was looking for a clip of a sitcom kiss where the laugh track says “woooo!”

I started Wooo chants about 20 years ago but at a Monday Night Raw show in Sacramento.

I even done it at a tailgate party at a UFC in Sacramento.

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