Thermo Carbs

Has anyone heard of "Thermo Carbs"? One of my partners here at work was telling me about it. He heard it on the radio or something. You take it at night before you go to bed and what it does is it burns the carbs that you ate during that day.

I posted before about carb blockers and I gotten a lot of responces back saying how they didnt work and this and that. I had a feeling that they didnt. But I was wondering about this product, "Thermo Carbs".

I want to look more up on it and see if it actually works. I guess it's all natural stuff that is in it, but again, Im not sure. Does anyone have any inside on this??

Lil Katai - -

It's probably just like any other fat burner. Just another stimulant. I've never tried it myself though. The best pill form carb blocker out there is called ex-lax. But I think proper diet and exercise is healthier than taking ex-lax on a daily basis.


Some carbohydrate blockers contain enzymes such as alpha amylase, which inhibits the body's ability to break down and subsequently absorb carbohydrates.

It may work to an extent, but the best way to block carbs is to drastically cut them from your diet.

"Some carbohydrate blockers contain enzymes such as alpha amylase, which inhibits the body's ability to break down and subsequently absorb carbohydrates. "

Does that not sound like something that will make you poo like cazy. It sounds like that fake fat they put in Fat Free potato chips. You can't absorb the fake fat. A ton of people that tried it got horrible diarriah. LOL.

Im just looking for something cause cutting carbs out of my diet isnt going to happen. 1, its not healthy and 2, Im Italian and I LOVE carbs!

"Im just looking for something cause cutting carbs out of my diet isnt going to happen. 1, its not healthy and 2, Im Italian and I LOVE carbs!"

Cutting carbohydrates entirely isn't healthy, but most people eat WAY too many carbs. I'm Polish, so I like the carbs too...but that doesn't give me the ability to eat whatever I want with impunity.

And if you're going to eat something, it should have a positive or at least maintenance effect on your body (at least 95% of the time)--or you simply shouldn't eat it. It seems to me that 'carb blockers' are good for people with little willpower to control what they put in their bodies...which is not an admirable character trait, regardless of how 'ripped' or otherwise 'fit' the individual is.

Yeah, Im polish too, on top of the Itialian ..... so that's double trouble!!

I dont really have a problem controlling my eating. I don't run to the frig in the middle of the night and stuff. And when I do eat, I have a small stomach so I can only eat little bit at a time anyway. I dont htink that I have bad eating habbits what so ever. But for some reason, I just cant drop weight or cut up. Im 140 and pretty soild muscle wise. NBut I can also improve on the muscle tone. And my biggest problem is that I have a small stomach. I can drop down to 125 . Ive been there before so I know I can drop. But for some reaosn, I cant. So there has to be some way that I need ot change up my eating so that I can. I train all the time so exercise isnt an issue.

I just cant figure this shit out!

If you exercise all the time then it is your diet probably.

You ever done sprint intervals?  Well they always got me cut as fock after 4 weeks of donig sprints 5x a week on top of my OL 3x a week and Gymnastics.

5hrs of Tennis a week is another thing that helps me to get cut.

I also eat a lot of rice being oreintal myself.


So you're looking for a way to either block or burn carbs artifically, but you won't cut the carbs in your diet because it's not healthy?

The real deal with fat loss aids is that all of the ones that are legal are not effective, and the ones that are effective are not healthy. We have to face it...there is no miracle in a bottle for either fitness or fat loss. It really is as simple as that. Eat well, train hard. If that isn't working well enough then eat even better and train even smarter.

Best in Health and Training, J. R.

Listening to JR (as usual) is the smartest thing you can do here.