it disables the stretch reflex(muscle contraction in response to stretching within that muscle)which helps greatly getting out of the hole.
at around 3-4 seconds in a pause, most of the elastic energy stored in the muscles, tendons and ligament is evaporated, making the concentric (going up) part of the squat much harder.
I think something's wrong with my pc. That 2nd clip looks like it's not showing the whole thing. It looks like there's a female squating, in the rack...with just the f-ing bar!
I can top it though. There was a guy at my gym doing dumbell lunges in the rack with 10lb dumbbells.(he had just finished with the barbell and 10lbs on each side). some people don't kill themselves in the gym is beyond me.......add to it smith machine squats mean dick (useless) and that's the dumbest mofo around.
Ignoring her looks for a moment, that woman has better technique than 90% of the people in the gym. You guys could find something to criticize about ANYONE. She keeps the curvature in her back, she doesn't bend over excessively, she doesn't have any butt wink at all, her knees don't go beyond her toes, etc.