This place sucks




Why even host it at this point?

Much love to Marial, I wish him the best, but the OG is essentially just his personal blog at this point. I can’t imagine that’s paying for the servers.

Let it die it’s death with dignity, like the sport itself did when we entered the Fox/ESPN/Connor/Ronda era.

If the people who own and manage this site have any feelings for the sport, they should archive the whole thing and give it to accounts with join dates before 2022, so it can preserved as a piece of history for posterity. Then shut it down


2 more years and im a free man again

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Is where the party lives on

Alta fa. ggots banned all the most active members of this place.

Liberal cucks


It sucked back then too, but in a better way. It was a bunch of meatheads, a few really insightful posters, and some pros that visited every now and again which everyone gushed over pathetically like they weren’t calling them f****** 2 hours before.

It was a cesspool, but it was ours. PPV nights, suddenly everyone got along and shared the moment together because going to a bar to watch it wasn’t an option and none of your friends cared. As with any underground/counter-culture, the character of it dies when it becomes exactly what the members wanted: popular, lucrative, and successful.


I’ve been here since the beginning. Yes, it is not the same. Then again, the sport is not the same, the fans are not the same, the fighters are not the same, why should The Underground be the same? This is what it means to get old, to become nostalgic, and ultimately irrelevant. Maybe it is time for us all to move on, to reinvent ourselves? It was a great place in a great time whose memories I will always cherish.


I’m still here for the “last post wins” thread


I’ve been here since 1999. I was 21 then, 47 now. I still posted consistently, but visit less often. Wow, I’m shocked to see it plummet after over a quarter century visiting this site.

Since I’ve been completely out of the loop in terms of what happened here, what did happen? What caused the mass exodus? I only noticed a drastic reduction in replies and posts to my posts, maybe within the last 4 or 5 months.

New ownership? Social media?


Sherdog is bussin

Kirik banned 85% of people before he sold the website.

This place is gone for good

Wow. Why did he ban most folks?

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I don’t remember mass bannings at the sale. A lot of people left after the sale though

The mass bannings came in September long after Kirk was gone


Ok hi

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The days of chocolate Al shirts, wild eaching and stevia fusion are over…. Fuck the ug


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It’s completely dead. I expect. It to be gone any day now.


No bannings at the sale… went on for awhile just 'til everyone got comfortable and then bam without rhyme or reason they banned multiple respected admins/mods in addition to decade/s long posters according to one hespectful survivor it was the day prior them having some hack shareholder* meeting trying to pitch a lemon.

Edit: *investor meeting

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