Thoughts on MuayThai v. SanDa

Regardless of one's feelings about the USAWKA and their role (either positive or negative) in US San Shou, they are also part of San Shou history in the US. Here is their news archive ( and their history (

Actually Sambo Steve, the USA WKF was mentioned in the above history... they weren't left out at all


3rd World Wushu Championships

The first world San Shou championship to be held outside of Asia has great fights, particularly between Brazil and Russia, but the event is so grossly mismanaged by the Chinese leadership of the new USA WKF


Jason Yee vs Cung Le PPV

The Chinese led USA WKF offers San Shou's first and only PPV.

Translation = David Ross is an idiot who can't fight and who tries to demean those who do not share his fantasies.

"Let me conclude this thread with a simple statement"

Another outright lie by Ross, these occur on almost all threads he visits.

"I spent 16 years of my life with a man the Chinese people called a living national treasure."

And now the chinese government is completely ashamed that Ross associates himself with their spoort and the chinese government has blocked Ross' site from all of China. However much respect they may have had for Ross' teacher, it seems to be the opposite for Ross.

"sort of hate using that word after the above posts use it"

But you used it anyway. May seem insignificant, but it is a window into your self-loathing existance. You hate yourself, it's obvious, I don't expect you to admit it on this board, but it's clear.

"Wow! Mark Negron just described himself! Wait, he probably hasn't read a lot of books, I'm not even sure he can read?"

Total dipshit jackassery by Ross. If he could not read, how does he keep owning you on this message board?

"Mr Negron, if you want to debate me on the history of San Da, let's start with your exact background and qualifications."

Yes, Mark, please let's hear which chinese gods you worshiped, and for how many years. Did they ever choke you out publically and humiliate you? Without this type of public humiliation, you are not worthy of talking about the history of San Da. Seriously, WTF is wrong with you Mark? Trying to talk about a historical subject without having been publically humiliated by a chinese TMA figure. Clearly not worthy of giving your informed opinion.

"Have you ever had a fight? The answer NO."

I know for a fact Mark did not quit a fight in front of his students for not being able to "move" his opponant. He also did not fight in a competition that he had no business entering and get brutally KO'd in front of his students.


Where on that list of historical San Da moments is the section on Snake Oil San Da salesmen who defraud children's charities?


Nuclear Fusion

1929 - Atkinson and Houtermans used the measured masses of light elements and applied Einstein's discovery that E=mc² to predict that large amounts of energy could be released by fusing small nuclei together.


Nuclear Fission

The importance of neutron bombardment of atoms was recognized quickly by Enrico Fermi, an Italian physicist who spent most of his illustrious career here in the US. In 1938, two German physicists, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman, bombarded uranium-235 with neutrons and got a very different result than the one shown above:


This came to be known as nuclear fission, the event that transformed geopolitical reality. Note that for every one reactant neutron, 3 product neutrons are produced, along with a large amount of energy.


Cold Fusion

In 1989 an amazing discovery was announced by two chemists working at the University of Utah: they could make nuclear fusion work at room temperature instead of millions of K.

Excrement Fission
April 1, 2005 – Mark Negron discovers "Excrement Fission" in New York City, the phenomenon of bullshit applied to bullshit that, in turn, creates more bullshit, producing an enormous explosion of bullshit beyond previous calculations. many forum members have witnessed this same phenomenon, spreading from New York across entire internet.

^^^ LUAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha, hahaha.



"Seriously, WTF is wrong with you Mark? Trying to talk about a historical subject without having been publically humiliated by a chinese TMA figure. Clearly not worthy of giving your informed opinion."

Jump Kick, I'll have you know that I was able to insert my own name into an historical context in about 4 minutes. please read above.

Poor Jump Kick, still so angry after all these years...

Come on man, you know you can not in any way offer anything regarding the motives of China's blocking the King of San Da web site.

Most likely, and that is what most people think, they are angry because we started a rival organization that is doing VERY WELL.

At the first world championships we held, we had teams (like Russia) that normally compete in China's IWUF games that attended our games.

It was likely more than a coincidence that they blocked the site after the King of San Da USA world championships

By the way, China also blocks access to the ACLU and Amenesty International web sites. They must be "ashamed" of those sites also?

I also love the blatantly racist posting, ie the "chinese gods you worshiped"... asking who you learned with, ie following a teacher for a long time, isn't worship, and their race has nothing to do with anything

Now, do we really want to talk about Mark Negron? A man who claimed he was once a member of the NY San Da team when in fact, he has never had a fight in his life? He got caught in that one and has since cleaned up his "story"... but evidence of his claim is still on the internet for the world to see...

be sure to check out flashback, early days of San Shou to see much, much more of the same.

"rival organization"


David, I never said you left it out. Show me where I said they were left out. Stop making assumptions. I just posted the links so people can read for themselves the USAWKF history.

The only thing that is funny is that Sambo Steve, who is a good friend of Mark Negron's and who is also someone I clearly do not get along with, will cofirm every detail of the above history. Sambo Steve is an honest person, and will say what is true and what is not. He will confirm the above history. In large part because he was at many of the above events as well.

Sambo Steve, I didnt understand why you posted, that is all... so I simply said "they were included".. no big deal at all. If people are interested, they should read the USA WKF site. It is stil the IWUF officially recognized body and they still send teams to the IWUF worlds.

Sure, I confirmed lots of your post in the old one that you TTT'd. I won't re-type it...people can find it on the other thread. Again, I never said that you post was false.

Jumpkick, you fucking racist!!! how dare you say the word "Chinese Gods" you white supremacist. next thing you know you'll be calling people from India Curry Eating, Cricketing Playing Idiots! I despise you, man. so blatant!

for the record, I have never claimed to be a fighter OR a trainer. anyone who knows me knows this. though I did indeed train with New York San Da Team, I was not a member nor have I ever claimed to be.

"still so angry after all these years..."

LOL @ Ross. Seriously, I laugh out lous at you. These posts are all humor to me and your bs never gets me angry. Not everyone acts like you do, stop projecting, you're owning yourself again.

"I also love the blatantly racist posting, ie the "chinese gods you worshiped""

HAhaah, LOL @ Ross. Nothing racist there, you're projecting again. Probably still feeling stupid after you posted racial comments regarding the individual known as Anil Sinha. Hahahaha.

"he has never had a fight in his life"

You think you could beat Mark's ass?

Ross, you refer to "years ago" probably refering the the threads where you originally exposed yourself to me as a liar and a fool, regarding the NYC Underground shows which you were insecure about. Since then, I have learned that all arguments that you had against that show were bogus, even in your own eyes, since you are guilty of the same behavior that you accused the NYC Underground promoters of.


  • "Sure, I confirmed lots of your post in the old one that you TTT'd. I won't re-type it...people can find it on the other thread. Again, I never said that you post was false."

Thanks, I don't need you to TTT or re-type. And I didn't accuse you of saying anything negative about me. I used you as a "reference" since you are friends with Negron and not with me. Since suddenly the claim was that I inserted my name into those events as if it was a lie

So, Jump Kick, can you offer any evidence as to the motives of China? I've suggested that they were angry that we are a rival organization, citing the fact we invited IWUF member teams and they attended. Not hard fact for sure, but an equally plausible explanation. Are you disagreeing?

I also noted that many sites are banned by China, so being banned by China doesn't mean you are a "bad guy", in some cases, it makes you the "good guy". Want to disagree on that?

All these years refers to the fact that you hound me, and as you admit, all because I have been critical of your beloved Underground league. As I've said, how childish. To be so upset that someone criticized your pet event. Whatever...

"Excrement Fission"

honestly everybody... I really did discover "Excrement Fission" this is NOT a lie. and it fits perfectly and appropriately into the context of the discovery of other types of fission and fusion. c'mon, you know it's true. you saw it right here on the internet.

"rival organization"


hey JumpKick, didn't you say you were very similar to Mother Teresa because the two of you spent so much time in India?