Three Best Lifts

I always liked zercher better... a lot of people have a hard time with the front sqt... i cant do fronties cause they hurt my wrists

plus zercher keeps your posture better then across your back

I prefer to jerk and then clean, but hey thats just me. Oh your talking about weight lifting........slowly backs out of room

'Of course you have your elist powerlifter douches who will always list the squat, deadlift and clean and jerk as the 3 core lifts.'

Powerlifting = squat,bench,deadlift. Not clean and jerk.
And those are just lifts in competition, I never did any one them more than once every 9-10 days while competing. I possess plenty of strength, not concerned about gaining size. I always made far more gains with variety then sticking to any specific lifts long term.

There is no such thing as three "best lifts," pussy.  It all depends on the application... maybe you could say 'for this particular person at this particular time' these would be three lifts he should do, but there is no blanket workout program for everyone


I jerk and then clean. Why would you do it backwards?

Rahknee - I've never heard of an O lifter not being able to bench bodyweight. Most I've seen can hit about twice body weight. Overhead pressing does cross over to the bench.

and lol @ zercher's and overhead squats being useful exercises.

Try overhead squating 315 and above and tell me that isn't a useful exercise. It works your body from the toes up thru your spine.

WarOnDrugs -  ^ holy fuck, three times already. It wasn't really funny the first time...

You're wrong! I heard lots of laughter in my head.

No OHP/Military ?
One of my favorites

I would say Military/Deadlift/Bench in no order for me.

for me its jerking (romo) the heavier weights that limits my OH squat, not the actual squat.. 205 (lb) is my current sticking point. Anyone have some good exercises (aside from military press) to improve the jerk?? my cock weighs at leaset 315...

"always liked zercher better... a lot of people have a hard time with the front sqt"

Bingo baby bingo, most pencil necks just can't handle the "body lock squat".

Those are also the three best lifts to injure yourself if you don't know what you're doing.

 Power Cleans, plyo-push-ups, and explosive pullups IMO

best deadlift, 585

don't care about the rest.

"Alot of super heavy Olympic lifters can't bench their own body weight, yet are massively strong and explosive"

LOL at this bullshit. A lot huh? Name five.


For upper body strength, my favorite lift is weighted pull-ups. I put a 60-75 pound dumbell between my knees and do as many pull-ups as possible, then immediately switch to a 30-40 pound dumbell and do as many more as I can, drop that and do 3-4 more pull-ups with no weight, and when I can't do any more pull ups, hold the pull-up at complete flexion until I can't hold that, descend as slowly as I possibly can and then do "pull-up shrugs" until I can't even hold the bar anymore. Its an exhausting set, but it works upper back, bis and forearms like crazy.



Those are beach muscle lifts. You cuttin up for the beach yet? You waxin that sweater off your back?