Bruh: 2 Dudes Fight Over A Sweet & Sour Sauce Inside A McDonalds! | Video
Sad.. Makes me feel better about my striking.. lol
Imagine being outstrcuk and outgrappled by a guy holding his meal and soda in one hand. He literally pooped out his phone and was like "I think I left my oven on".
didnt even spill his drink
ShootProod -Sad.. Makes me feel better about my striking.. lol
LMFAOOOOO was thinking same. Your striking is bad but better than his
cawkgobbler -Imagine being outstrcuk and outgrappled by a guy holding his meal and soda in one hand. He literally pooped out his phone and was like "I think I left my oven on".
What was his phone doing up there?
joesonshuevos -cawkgobbler -Imagine being outstrcuk and outgrappled by a guy holding his meal and soda in one hand. He literally pooped out his phone and was like "I think I left my oven on".
What was his phone doing up there?
Ask Kirik. That was one of the fabled top men.
Just imagine how bad this would have been if that was szechuan sauce. Wubba lubba dub dub.
Hahaha oh man that has to be worst than getting beat up by girl
Damn I’d get facial surgery and move to Alaska if that shit happened to me. It’s not like he got out by a decent guy that trains and had one hand even. that shits embarrassing