Thug Rose has a sense of humor


If you pay her…

Don’t be one of those weirdos with no picture, and no friends that just comments on celebrity pages. Those people are fucking weird. Also don’t save likes from some girl that’s years old. That’s really fucking weird.

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The last TV series I’ve watched was the sopranos. I haven’t seen a new movie or TV show in 20+ years. Sons of anarchy, Harry Potter, v Star wars etc. You name it, I haven’t seen it. Not only do I not care about celebrities, I despise them.

I follow dog accounts, food accounts, meme accounts and don’t converse with anyone. I’ve been banned from there over a dozen times, half the times I didn’t deserve it. I’ve never followed anyone I know in real life.

And don’t be that fag that tells others how to be “cool” or whatever your gay point was.

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You’re the least necessary and rememberable of all the Kirik’s this site has ever had. And there’s been a lot.

Rose posts videos on her YouTube channel

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They’re always the guys talking shit on Instagram. You go to their profile and they’re always accounts with no pictures or friends, and they follow weird shit like dog accounts.


Rose spars at the gym I train at.

I have no clue who you are besides being the guy who for years thought Rose liked him when it turns out it was her pedo boyfriend

Lol, that’s some sad shit

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It was actually a fat guy named Pat that liked your comment. Sorry bud

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So the porn concept is basically like a Southern USA prison. Whoever wants to try me is getting stretched out

So this thread is about a like you got on social media 7 years ago? Or supposedly got, I guess.

Oh well, why the hell not? It’s not like this forum didn’t go to shit anyway.


OP’s a faggot! Here you you go guys:


You’re lying. You go to their accounts and it’s PRIVATE. Then someone like you is like “who cares what you say, you don’t even have a picture of yourself”. That’s how it really goes

This forum has been shit for like a decade. Sherdog MMA forum > the UG. If I didn’t get banned from there, I wouldn’t be here. I’d just be lurking the OG.

Maybe now it’s Pat, it wasn’t back then.

Mr. 0-100 of the southern jail system is gracing my thread. I’m honored.

Tell her I’m coming Tuesday to collect a urine sample. Independent contractor of the USADA testing committee