Tight shoulders

I find my shoulder muscles rapidly tiring and tightening up way too much when I spar. Any suggestions/exercises I can do to help with this?

Probably too tense/nervous. Just try to relax

"An old technique involved holding a towel under each armpit while hitting the heavy bag. I think Charley Goldman had Marciano do just that very thing to shorten his punches. "


martinburke - Point your front shoulder toward your opponent

Lean a little over to the right(if your right handed)and drop your right shoulder a bit so it's a little lower than your left shoulder. The other guy's right hand will have to go over your left shoulder to hit your head.

Tuck your elbows into your ribs and let your upper arms rest on your ribs

Drop your chin

Think about rotation before extension.

Your punches should be @ 60% of full power. Only load up when you have the other guy going, and even then only the last punch of a combination

Use your lower body. If you throw a right hand, your right knee should rotate down and in, and your right heel should rotate up and out. For a left hook, the left knee rotates down and in and the left heel rotates out and up.


martinburke - Usually I would see this happen to trainees that allow their elbows to get too wide when they punched. Not only would that work the shoulders WAY harder, but the punches would be wider and not as hard as they could be(even though the punches FEEL harder to the puncher).

A common cause of this, but not the only cause, is a tendency to square up.

An old technique involved holding a towel under each armpit while hitting the heavy bag. I think Charley Goldman had Marciano do just that very thing to shorten his punches.

I must say you are truly knowledgeable. Great breakdown Phone Post

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martinburke - Hey, I just write what Gator tells me.

Gator lol, he would be 100% incorrect in everything he posted with spelling that could only politely be described as schizophrenic Phone Post

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Thanks bros.

martinburke - Usually I would see this happen to trainees that allow their elbows to get too wide when they punched. Not only would that work the shoulders WAY harder, but the punches would be wider and not as hard as they could be(even though the punches FEEL harder to the puncher).

A common cause of this, but not the only cause, is a tendency to square up.

An old technique involved holding a towel under each armpit while hitting the heavy bag. I think Charley Goldman had Marciano do just that very thing to shorten his punches.

Good advice. Could you elaborate on the towel technique? With a towel under each arm i imagine it would be difficult throwing a punch of any description.