The only thing Tim Kennedy accomplished was taking PEDs and not getting caught. Bisping is a LEGEND.
This is the dumbest shit that’s her posted here in a while and that’s saying something.
At least it was in plain English
Yeah my fault. I have a new phone and I can’t see well without my glasses anymore. So autocorrect really gets me when I fat-finger my keys and I don’t catch it. What I was trying to say is that suggesting that all Tim Kennedy has accomplished is avoiding a positive PED test is fucking ridiculous.
The only thing Tim Kennedy accomplished was taking PEDs and not getting caught. Bisping is a LEGEND.
This is the dumbest shit that’s her posted here in a while and that’s saying something.
At least it was in plain English
Yeah my fault. I have a new phone and I can’t see well without my glasses anymore. So autocorrect really gets me when I fat-finger my keys and I don’t catch it. What I was trying to say is that suggesting that all Tim Kennedy has accomplished is avoiding a positive PED test is fucking ridiculous.
Has bisping ever shot a potential terrorist in the back of the head from 1500 yards in the swirling wind & heat, the blazing dust of a middle Eastern desert, the guy has one eye, his depth perception would be HOPELESS, Tom Kennedy would out shoot him with EASE. Bispings sniper skill would be LAUGHABLE, he would be a JOKE, Kennedy is the REAL DEAL not a SHEEP, he saved this country, when has bisping ever done that? NOT a tru PATRIOT.
Didnt read but god you're lame. Please leave again and never come back. Your shtick got old 8 years ago.
Has bisping ever shot a potential terrorist in the back of the head from 1500 yards in the swirling wind & heat, the blazing dust of a middle Eastern desert, the guy has one eye, his depth perception would be HOPELESS, Tom Kennedy would out shoot him with EASE. Bispings sniper skill would be LAUGHABLE, he would be a JOKE, Kennedy is the REAL DEAL not a SHEEP, he saved this country, when has bisping ever done that? NOT a tru PATRIOT.
So much ignorance in this comment. If you've ever served overseas you would know that killing someone is not something to be praised for.
The only thing Tim Kennedy accomplished was taking PEDs and not getting caught. Bisping is a LEGEND.
lmao. Really, that's all Tim Kennedy has accomplished? And what have you done for your Country?
Imagine being a male and simping for a guy just because he was in the military. Kennedy is a goon
I'm not anti-military, but I'd take a Brian Stann over a Tim Kennedy. One is a high character man that represented our country well and the other one is Tim Kennedy
Has bisping ever shot a potential terrorist in the back of the head from 1500 yards in the swirling wind & heat, the blazing dust of a middle Eastern desert, the guy has one eye, his depth perception would be HOPELESS, Tom Kennedy would out shoot him with EASE. Bispings sniper skill would be LAUGHABLE, he would be a JOKE, Kennedy is the REAL DEAL not a SHEEP, he saved this country, when has bisping ever done that? NOT a tru PATRIOT.
You're overlooking the Count's famously low resting heart rate, he would be the ideal sniper.