Tim McKenzie Checking in!!

ttt for Wrecking Machine.

I'm a fan of Bill Mahood and I was at Freedom Fight When Tim caught him and then put him out.

What you don't see in that clip is that Tim was VERY concerned with Bill and helped him while on the mat and then in getting up etc.

Tim was all class and the crowd thought he was awesome that night.

All class Tim, you're all class!

Tim is a Classy MoFO

Thank you very much Guys, Yes Bill is an awesome person got to hang out with him in Costa Rica real cool guy. Well, take off this friday getting ready with all the final touches. And Crowbar whats up bud Haven't talked to you in ages and you still have the best shirt in the game. hahaha just kidding
Talk to you later

"you still have the best shirt in the game"

and hat.

Best of luck to you bro.

Talk to you soon when your not training.



McKenzie, good fighter, poor port drinker.

-JM in Phx

Just want to thank everyone that helped me get ready for this fight. I appreciate all the help from my training partners down at ACS and my trainers Trevor, Todd Lally, and Gustavo Dantas.


howd the fight go?


The fight went well still not sure if we are supposed to talk about it, but they have it up on Fcfighter. Ill say that it went a lot better than the last fight in Bodog. And I am traing out of Az Combat Sports out in Tempe

