Tito Ortiz Choked By 90210 Star

YonYones - UFC is a sport Tito? Tito tranes UFC!!!!

Thats exactly what i was thinking.

You think he's getting payed to call ufc the sport.
Or just a simple word fuck up as he usually does in front of a camera

It would have been better if Tito had suplexed him into the interview desk.

Yea, you try reversing an RNC with a cracked skull

That's exactly why Tito said no to being choked in the first place - you never know when someone is going to take advantage of the situation.

aaand thats how I got aids

 tito is no match for steve sanders however

TopGrinder -  wtf there is no dylan mckay or brandon walsh on this mofo

Real talk! Phone Post

Jeeze! What a scary moment. I'm just glad Tito's OK.

Couple things though: The host calling it Twi kon do was worth a few lulz for some reason and Michael's face at :52 is clearly one of a man who is terrified of what he is about to do.