TKO - less than a month away!

So... who's going?

Haven't seen too much discussion on this recently. Lots of good fights on this card...

I think I'll go.

I keep hearing things about this guy Loiseau's fighting, I figure I'll check it out.


I'm going. I'm already working on my "I hate Jeremy Horn" sign. I just hope I'm not sitting by anyone that will mind.

The match though that I'm most anxious about is Sanford/Potvin. This is a step in the right direction for Sanford. From what I'm hearing the training for Kyle is going very well. Best of luck Kyle.

We should have several West Island Siyyeeeeeders there to watch local boy gone bad, Mark Colangelo, represent, Aiiight!

(Hopefully we will be able to see past JHR's head...)

"Hopefully we will be able to see past JHR's head..."

Rene, easier said than done. You have seen that melon. I've heard its outlawed in some 45 states.

There is no truth to the rumour that I have a large head.

I too will be cheering Colangelo...

I have no choice... :)

I'll be in the front row with my "Jeremy Horn for President" sign!


JHR... the drummer from the Killer Dwarfs will be there, getting tickets today

*does backflips*

I also heard the "Captain" from "The Captain and Tenille" was going to show but is having immigration problems and wont be able to get into the country....




JHR - I did not know TKO had released action figures. That limited addition 'Colangelo' looks might realistic! Hopefully, you treated it with respect.

Nathan, I understand it may soon become a matter of global security, as NASA worries it may effect the orbits of several sub-lunar objects.


Look at that bling bling watch on Colangelo's arm !!

He wouldn't make weight with that bad boy on !

I`m hoping to go to this one. Looks like a great card and supporting fighters is what us fans are all about.

If I do go, I will be prepared this time and bring my curved mirror so that I can see the ring around JHR's fat head from wherever I`m sitting. ;o)

Is it true the first lucky 2500 fans through the door get a limited edtion JHR bobble head?

Guardbr8kr being that your only 5'4" tall you'll have no problems..You can look under my head.. ;)


I had just finalized plans to attend the show, and my wife 'sort of' informed me that I am NOT going!!!

I wanted to hook up with all my pals on the forum as well as Greg Allen and the crew, but unfortunately, my calendar was 'missing' a certain freaking 'special day'.

I have to attend a WEDDING, yes, a WEDDING, on the same date...a freakin' wedding in FEBRUARY. I'm sure it's a great idea, but DAMN, I really wanted to hook with everyone...:(

Joe, just got a copy of your magazine !!


It's great !
