TN State BJJ/Grapplingchampionship

TENN STATE BJJ/NOGI Grappling Championships
Sat. Dec. 1, 2007
Heritage High School 3741 E. Lamar Alexander Pkwy. Maryville, TN 37804
Endorsed by Tenn. BJJ Federation
Registration starts at 8:30am till 12:30pm No Gi Registration till 1:45pm
Divisions Start at the stated time below, You should arrive early to warm up.
Gi Kids and women - 10:30am All Ranks
Gi Blue, purple belt & Brown belt men 11:30am (are in Separate divisions, Note Weights and ages are below)
GI White belt men- 1:00pm Absolute Gi is after all Gi divisions are done
Absolute divisions White & Blue seperate and Purple and Brown Combined
ALL NO-Gi Adult, Teens & Kids starts 2:15pm Absolute No Gi is after all No gi Divisions are done
NO GI Absolute Divisions are same as experience levels Below
No Gi classes are separated into Beginner less than 1.5 yrs Intermediate 1.5-3 rs, Adv. over 3 years
Pre-registered Cost is only 50.00 for 1 division,65.00 for 2 divisions & 75.00 for three or More Divisions
At the door Cost 60.00 for 1 and 75.00 for 2, 85.00 for three or More Divisions
NO CHECKS AT THE DOOR! From ANYONE! Pre Register and Save!!
10.00 for spectators-(Coaches, please complete the name, Academy, address & number form and get in FREE)
Weights for all adult men and Gi and NO Gi 18-29yrs: up too 155, 156-174, 175-194, 195 and over
Weights for Master 30-39yrs and Senior 40 and over :Gi and No gi up too 160, 161-185, 186 and over
Women weights gi and NO-GI up too 131, 132 and over
Kids & Teens- Gi and No Gi ONLY 5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-15, 16-17 (Kids may be grouped by size as well) All Kids Receive a Award for competing
16 and 17 yr old male or Female may compete in the adult class with parents permission, Please sign up as Adult.
Email for other info




thanks Josh!!!!





have to be a TN resident to compete?

Not as long as you date your first cousin. Don't be silly. Come and get in on the fun.

what ever happend to the Music city tourny, great tourney, is this the same guys that put that on

Just askin. Seeing as its advertised as the TN STATE Tourn. Generally, you have to be a resident of a state to be the state champion.

no anyone can compete, I have never heard of this rule. Ed Clay no longer has tournament, although our tournament has the endorsment of GAMENESS AND ATAMA both and will award FREE prizes to the open winners.

sounds good, looking forward to competing

hey brad, kevin purdy here i will bring my guys i like your tourny well, just wanted to let you know iam having soneca in at my school nov,24 please come if you can. see you bro, and thanks for all you do for brazilian jiujitsu,and mma!

Brad always runs good and safe tournaments. He has really done a LOT in
the Knoxville area to support and promote BJJ including hosting this

ttt for Brad and Jiu-Jitsu in east TN.

Everyone get ready and train hard, Gameness and Atama are giving the open class winners free prizes!!!


I hope to be there.


Jim O.