To anyone I've met already this weekend...

.....let me apologize now if I seemed a bit weird. It's due to a perfect mixture of exhaustion and alcohol. Oddly enough, I haven't met a single person from the forum yet that I wouldn't probably kick it with back home. I'm fairly certain I weirded Tracy Lee out after interrupting her mid-convo down in the lobby and introducing myself again (Strikeforce:Nashville) in slurred words. Then, at the weigh-ins I met someone from the forum who introduced themselves as Carlton (forgot your screenname), however, what I heard was "Hard On" and I apparently had to be corrected twice during the conversation. I rarely get "drunk drunk", so hopefully I didn't leave too bad of an impression. I'd be delighted to meet some more of you fuckers now that I'm rested and sober, so if you're out here and checking the forum regularly, as I am, post here and let me buy you a beer (or just weird you out) =)

TTTo the bar...

 1 minute later Tracy doesnt remember

For the rest of my life.....I'LL REMEMBER!!!

Damn you, now I want to get wasted