Tom DeBlass new Ring of Combat LHW Champion!

Tom DeBlass won the Ring of Combat Light Heavyweight Championship by KO in dominating fashion over Mike Stewart. Big congrats to Tom who is now 5-0 and making waves in the LHW division.

Amazing performance by Tom.

 great KO

Tom's a super talented ground guy despite the fact that he likes to punch faces. He runs a great BJJ school in Jersey with a ton of students and one of the best kids programs I've ever seen. Congrats, dude!

 Great individual, very happy for him.

I think he landed every power punch he threw in that fight

Stewart's crowd was CRAZY disrespectful. Imagine every jerk drunk idiot you see in the UFC that doesn't know a thing and yells "bleed, kill him" That = 100% of his crowd. Hillary Tom always said great things about you.