Since starting my blog nearly 2 years ago I've had a ton on fun writing nearly 300 different posts; Instructional articles such as the "Secrets of the Jab" and "BJ Penn Sytle MMA Guard Passing" series'; posts discussing MMA events and news; video links; plus any other type of blog post I could think of. Thanks everyone for visiting and motivating me to keep the content going. I've put together a list of the 10 of the most popular posts... ==> Click to see'em
I've enjoyed everything you've put out there Jeff.. I appreciate it too.. thanks
I echo Rick's statement. Not sure having two old farts supporting your cause will give you much traction, though.
We could be the Bartles and James of MMA: thanks for your support.
Love the blog and all your help Jeff.
Thanks guys. Lots more stuff on the way. Starting a really cool project next week!
Hope your training is going well!