Rickson...by far
KKM - excellent conditioning
Cloverfield Monster - Just plain huge, great top game
Rickson...by far
KKM - excellent conditioning
Cloverfield Monster - Just plain huge, great top game
name dropped ? I introduce myself to people often.
I usually say, "Hi, I'm Nick May"
my friends would tell you that, when watching UFC PPVs where he shows up, i'm fond of pointing out that Napao cornered against me in my first fight.
Doesn't do me any good. Precious few people around where I live know anything about MMA or BJJ. I tried it once or twice and the effort I had to put into explaining everything was simply too much work.
I do sometimes tell the few friends that I have that do know about MMA that Joe Lauzon once commented on a thread of mine! :)
Michael Jackson, when I was younger.
Muhammad Ali and Gene Lebell.........in the same sentence.
Just relaying seeing both at elizabeth virrick gym in miami during the mid to late 70s.
Justin @ Throwdown