Toughest instructor to get a BB from?/Easiest

I'm sure its been done to death but I can't find it in the search. Who is the toughest BB to get a blackbelt from? Years, competition and whatnot. And who is the easiest?

 No idea who the easiest is.

Toughest mught be Relson?

Laziest belt whore ever

 Not Relson. I'd say Gracie Academy Torrance.

Hardest:<br />Romero Jacare of Alliance.<br />Gracie Torrance, Rickson, and Relson. <br />I hear that Sakata is pretty hard on the belt love as well.<br /><br />Who's the easiest? My vote is for Pedro Sauer and. What say you UG?

First off Kirik, Huge fan. I have your poster hanging above my bed next to batman, rickson and fedor.

2nd, would you say Relson because of how long it takes or competition requirements? My instructor took about 11 or 12 years to get his BB but I don't think he competed as much. I read in the "fastes women to earn her blackbelt" someone mentioned a Jacare bb takes a long time, longer than most.

I hear Relson and Rickson have given out very very few.

I was told "the stars must align" for Rickson to give out a BB. Please don't anyone take that literally.

rayonyx7 - Hardest:<br />Romero Jacare of Alliance.<br />Gracie Torrance, Rickson, and Relson. <br />I hear that Sakata is pretty hard on the belt love as well.<br /><br />Who's the easiest? My vote is for Pedro Sauer and. What say you UG?

Hardest may be Fabio Santos... Back in the day he wouldn't give Dean Lister his Black Belt.

Easiest could be Pedro. He has some tough guys but also some guys that leave you scratching your head like, how the f did that guy get a black belt. I think it may be partly money though... A lot of people pay a lot to be in that association. Maybe some of the weaker black belts under him are good teachers.

fakezaga - I was told "the stars must align" for Rickson to give out a BB.

You were either misinformed, or misunderstood what you were told.

When Rickson intends to promote a BB, he wills the stars to align, which they do because he's Rickson, and THEN he gives the BB.

Ralph Gracie has promoted a few people to black belt now, but all of them have been in the game for years.  How long did he keep Dave Camarillo at brown belt... like 4 years? 

mrzipplokk -  Not Relson. I'd say Gracie Academy Torrance.

no ,not torrance anymore.the boys undrstand that not everyone wants to learn or teach the other programs.
jordan was 1st to complete all the classes, master cycle ,sd ,womens empowerment ,combatives,law enforcement,milatary combatives.

we have a couple brown belts doing the same,but some just put time in the master cycle.

caique is tough.

^ 4 years at brown is nothing ridicules

Joe Morriera gave KImo a black belt didn't he. I know he was with him for a while but I don't see his BJJ as Black Belt standard (though he did show raw explosive power vs Royce)

Hawkeye02 -  Easiest is Kevin Casey.  He awarded Kevin Casey his black belt very quickly. 

Thanks to the 2 years of lurking here before slowly getting my brown name in UG... I get that joke.

Hawkeye02 -  Easiest is Kevin Casey.  He awarded Kevin Casey his black belt very quickly. 

thats fucking funny right there

 Rolles has to be the easiest, gave rashad a black belt without ever wearing a Gi


 GRACIE COMBATIVES  has a program where hey prettymuch sell black belts. i dont feel like googling it now....

 Rorion-No one has proven to me that he has given a single BB.   His sons got theirs from their grandfather and I would bet that the recent BBs given out have the son's names on them.

TheHouse - First off Kirik, Huge fan. I have your poster hanging above my bed next to batman, rickson and fedor.

2nd, would you say Relson because of how long it takes or competition requirements? My instructor took about 11 or 12 years to get his BB but I don't think he competed as much. I read in the "fastes women to earn her blackbelt" someone mentioned a Jacare bb takes a long time, longer than most.

 First, that is actually Justin Beiber in that image, but I appreciate the sentiment :-)

2nd, I said Relson because of how technical his guys are. His blue belts are really, really, really sound. And it gets better and better and by the time someone gets a black belt from Relson, they are insanely great. Through reffing dozens of times a year for over a dozens years, I have seen guys from a lot of different gyms; Relson's are the most technically sound I have ever seen.

ferox13 - Joe Morriera gave KImo a black belt didn't he. I know he was with him for a while but I don't see his BJJ as Black Belt standard (though he did show raw explosive power vs Royce)

 I rolled with Kimo at John Lewis's gym years ago, he was wearing a brown belt then and he hung with the other browns and maintained with a couple black belts.  He was much better than I thought he would be, however his ground skills never transfered to his fights.