Translate this Russian street fight/soccer kicks

Could someone translate what they are saying in Russian(?) so that I know why this kid got soccer kicked in the face? I feel bad for the kid but I'm really curious to know if he "deserved it" but I don't know what they are saying.

Direct link:



"If he dies, he dies."

"give up? give up? give up?"

Some village teens kicking him for not buying them a beer it sounded like

what a cesspool

Need accurate translation? Did this poor kid really get his face kicked in for not buying beer?

I speak a little Russian.

The guy kicking was saying: "I told you not to smoke in my house!"

The kid on the ground said; " I'm coming back with my bro, his crew and a toaster." Phone Post

eh not so bad
it seems like kicking somebody in the head when they are down is the norm these days.

The only thing I could pick up was something about making fun of his Members Only jacket.

I think Doem is right.  The Russians don't play games when they fight.  Russian immigrants to Israel can't fathom why the army doesn't go into problem areas and leave not one person alive and not one stone on top of another.  Like what they did to Germany and Germans in the closing months of World War 2.

Diesel67 - 

I think Doem is right.  The Russians don't play games when they fight.  Russian immigrants to Israel can't fathom why the army doesn't go into problem areas and leave not one person alive and not one stone on top of another.  Like what they did to Germany and Germans in the closing months of World War 2.

Crazy Russians.


Immigrating to Israel.