Troll Thread

taking form top ten thing to be a better fighter thread


Make yourself noticeable. Most of you fighters have the personality of a fucking tennis ball. Jesus Christ, take a public speaking class...get out there, make some noise, make yourself noticed. You came all this way just to thank your fucking cow that helped you train Jiu-Jitsu when you were a kid back on the farm. GROW A PERSONALITY. You think guys like Tito or Sakuraba got to where they were on skill alone? No. Personality can count for a lot in this sport, sometimes more than skill. Just look at Tank Abbott.

Well in three year you will hear my name, you will cheer my name and you will get my autograph the future of mma is coming


"Just look at Tank Abbott."

hmm, hard to remember what "intelligent things" he was saying when I heard him in TJ, could be because he turned around to moon the crowd though..... 

Now practice this little line.

"Post your real name,phone number and address and e-mail your birth certificate to Kirik"

number one bored and i did say it was a troll thread ......wrong forum to post it in my bad

number two i'm 17 and have been training in mma mostly wrestling at the moment, but i do plan on making a career out of this. Weather i go far will only be revealed by time.

fan A 'Who's this guy?'

fan b 'What do you mean,Its fucking should have heard his pre-fight interview, said he was gonna beat chuck like he stole something...he's great!'

fan A 'Wow he sounds good...What's his record?'

Fan B ' 0-40....but his personality is great, who cares if he can fight'


lol that funny shit nightstalker seriously made me spit water over my computer THANKS ALOT

lol, I've had to clean mine a few times too & welcome to the UG Nooch.