I know "ttt" is supposed to mean "to the top" or something like that, but really who the fuk says shiet like that? Lmao trying to visualize FCTV saying "ttt" with a one arm skyward punch and the index finger point.
nice blue name!!!
btw, i say sheet like "ttt" and "lol" and "kkm" in real life... :(
i prefer the old school bump
dp pp
I actually say "TTT" in real life now.
also when I don't approve of something I say "TTB"
I'm glad my GF lurks on here so she understands the lingo.
When I talk too fast and you cannot understand me, I am actually saying these letters at warp speed!
TTT Biatches!
"blue name", you know dis man!
"ttt" damn all you conformists!!!!
a female lurker? inconceivable!
MM671, if she lurks through all our shiet, she probably enjoys it, if she enjoys it you got yourself one freak in the sheets my friend.
2 monkeys, 1 cup? wow!
blue name to match his blue balls
and nice blue name for u BM! (Santa came early for you, no?)
2 Monkeys, 1 Cup
cumming to a Tapout forum near you.
Oh Man!
I think she more lurks to get a better understanding of me, but now she's more confused than eva!
Anyone remember Harlem Nights when that stuttering boxer was trying to call a taxi? The taxi would drive by and he'd be going "ttt ttt ttt" trying to say taxi. Funniest part of the damn movie.
Ok where are you going with this BM?
Don't tell me I got a banana in my tail pipe.