Cathal Pendred (13-2-1)
Chris Fields (10-5-1)
Lyman Good (15-3)
Eddie Gordon
Dhiego Lima*
Tim Williams*
Ian Stephens*
Mats Nilsson*
Hector Urbina*
Noel Ligon (5-0)
Bubba Bush (6-2)
Chris Honeycutt (2-0)
Cole Ackerman (8-1)
Collin Reuter
Ryan Shell
Chandler Holderness
Hugo Sida (8-1)
Brent Knopp (4-0)
Andrew Todhunter (4-0)
Joshua Clark (7-2)
Justin Guthrie (16-6)
Light Heavyweight:
Matt Masterson (10-3)
Dan Spohn (8-3)
Matt Van Buren*
Mike King*
Anton Berzin*
Elijah Garshnick (9-5)
Josh Stansbury
Patrick Alex Walsh*
Corey Anderson*
Kelly Anundson (6-2)
John Kafer (8-2)
Patrick Cummins (5-0)
Justin Ledet (5-0)
Brandon Ropati (7-0)
Steve Bosse (10-1)
Justin Friddle (5-0)
Egidijius Valavicius (25-10)
Cody Mumma (5-1)
We have heard a large number of the season 20 cast, but no word yet on 19. MMA Sun usually has a very accurate list of casts. Here's their speculated cast.
If true congrats to uger Colin Rueter
Askren should have just asked to be on this TUF, he already beat one of the favourites.
Is this the one being coached by Penn/Edgar?
Egidijius Valavicius, now there's a name from the past.
Inaccurate list is inaccurate
Egidijius Valavicius (25-10)
With a name like this, he had no choice but to get into MMA.
Wasn't aware Good was let go by bellator good pickup and Todhunter is gonna kill.
Tim Williams was on season 17.
Carson's Corner Fan -EckY - Askren should have just asked to be on this TUF, he already beat one of the favourites.He never beat Chris Honeycut.
Reading comprehension.
EckY - Askren should have just asked to be on this TUF, he already beat one of the favourites.He should have just been signed. Someone asked him on Twitter if he would consder doing TUF and his response was "No chance".

I know 2 fighters on the list that definitely aren't in, or they just lost their fights to get into the house.
MW is really good with Lima, Good, Honeycutt, Williams, Gordon, Cathal.
But LHW other than Bosse doesnt look that good.
YHTOMIT2001 - I know 2 fighters on the list that definitely aren't in, or they just lost their fights to get into the house.
I've heard one of the MW big names that everyone knows from another org might not have made the house.
FJP111 - Egidijius Valavicius, now there's a name from the past.
VitorpeepeetasteStrongTRT -he'd fight for free but no tuf? :0, tbh they made roy do it so they have previous.EckY - Askren should have just asked to be on this TUF, he already beat one of the favourites.He should have just been signed. Someone asked him on Twitter if he would consder doing TUF and his response was "No chance".

Chris27 -
MW is really good with Lima, Good, Honeycutt, Williams, Gordon, Cathal.
But LHW other than Bosse doesnt look that good.
No.....Cummins is an excellent prospect. Two-time All-American wrestler at Penn State
WHere did you get the rest of the cast from? I know Jason Coles (mmasun) has on his site part of the rumored cast but not all of them, did he put out the rest of the rumored cast or did you get it from somewhere else?
I really thought Cathal Pendred would just get a shot in the UFC anyways. Oh well, this will make a good season.
And it's about time Bosse gets his chance in the UFC. Hopefully he at least gets in the house.
zebers3 -Looking forward to seeing Bosse on the show.
I really thought Cathal Pendred would just get a shot in the UFC anyways. Oh well, this will make a good season.
And it's about time Bosse gets his chance in the UFC. Hopefully he at least gets in the house.