Your thoughts on the potential of college wrestling programs implementing the cardiovascular benefits of muay thai / boxing skill building workouts into their practices. Obviously modifications would have to be made to keep the wrestlers as injury free as a wrestler can be but adding in aspects of striker training to build on conditioning would be huge. If it caught on the number of skilled fighters coming out of American universities would grow immensely and build the number of outlets for their graduating athletes.
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Snorelord - Think we need to reform K-12 education first. I mean making sure that colleges and universities have highschool wrestling programs to cherry pick from. I mean it took several decades for basketball and football to reform high school teams to feed NCAA and pro athletic leagues. Its going to be another 30 years before MMA gets their Lebron James. We need to give more money to k-12 athletic programs before we focus on college wrestling programs.
My hope is that the growth of MMA towards mainstream will lead to a revival of our grade school programs as well. The idea being that as our kids see more and more that the wrestling skill is revered by the modern fighter role model, their fledgling school teams will reap the benefits