UCLA martial arts

I never saw the Gokor students or JKD classes while I was there... but SuperBox/LA Boxing/Whatever the gym next good to the Grand Olympic Arena is called was really close to USC, and Vut whatshisname was teaching kickboxing/muay thai, and I believe my senior a BJJ guy came in....


Hahahahaha. "Top University" my ass. USC should never be mentioned in the same sentence as UCLA.

Although you're right about being close to the best places to train in the world. Eddie Bravo is right down Santa Monica Blvd ...

Only a USC condom, sorry, make that Trojan, would think a Time article written in the year 2000 was written "a couple of years ago..."

You guys do need the better self-defense program though, being in the hood and all, you never know when you might get jumped or jacked.

Thats right. I bust a nut in a Trojan every night! You guys should seriously use some bjj though. With all the rich kids going to your school, you should be able to afford a black belt to teach for a decent price.

Yeah, I've heard L.A. Boxing is really good. I trained there once, but that was it. They have Muay Thai and BJJ there, but I heard there aren't really classes; you have to find a personal trainer and pay him for privates.

This isn't UCLA or USC, but does anyone know if Rey Diogo still does any classes at Loyola Marymount?

yes rey still does classes at lmu.  right now they are on break, but when they start again, he will be there on teus and thursdays

Damn! I remember that Dux Nijuitsu crap as well. Frank "the man" Dux gave a presentation with a whole crap load of students looking on. Was doing some weird stuff, like having people try to push him over. I volunteered to "walk towards him". He put his finger under the bridge of my nose, and halted me in my tracks. I remember saying, "whoa!" Man what a dumbass i was.

"Thats right. I bust a nut in a Trojan every night!"

I think I top that as I bust a nut in a Trojan in a
Trojan... my gf went to 'SC ;)

UCLA also used to have a decent Judo class taught by
a German grad named Valentine. Don't know who runs it

are rey diego's classes open to non-LMU students?

THe girls that go to SC are whack compared to the hoes at UCLA, there is no way you can deny that.

Just out of curiosity, which universities or colleges have the best Martial Arts (including boxing, and wrestling, though people call them sciences not arts) programs, in the USA? My university, SUNY Stony Brook didn't have crap and I was unable to start anything because the school was mostly a commuter school.

"are rey diego's classes open to non-LMU students? "

no, i dont believe they are, but he has his own academy at 8733 venice blvd www.reydiogo.com  ; you are more than welcome to train there, first class is free.

Niko and Aaron were the instructors when I was there. Niko is a brown belt from Rickon's, Aaron I think is a brown belt from JJ Machado. Niko had some good wrestling skills as well as BJJ, he went over wrestling takedowns along with BJJ. Aaron had awesome BJJ skills. I saw him roll and tap 10+ guys in a row many times, and he did it all in less than 20 seconds each.

""are rey diego's classes open to non-LMU students? "

no, i dont believe they are, but he has his own academy at 8733 venice blvd www.reydiogo.com ; you are more than welcome to train there, first class is free."

That's too bad for the non-students and non-alumni. From what I recall it costs about $400 (or less) per year to join LMU's Rec Center, which is all that I believe is required to take the martial arts and fitness classes there. But I could be wrong because even though I'm an alum, Westchester is too inconvenient a drive, plus I believe his LMU classes weren't late enough in the day for me to make it. So I never joined.

I remember many years ago when Rickson's reps taught at UCLA (about 6 years ago). They were prohibited from teaching anything. They would not even show a basic arm-lock from the guard. I am assuming that was done just to give them a taste so they would enroll in the actual academy. I am glad they changed that policy.

omaplata, did you used to go to ucla?

UCLA Rocks!!!

Academic prestige? How cares? All that matters is how's the football team doing. Fight on! (Although if I need a spare lung I hear UCLA is the place)

"Although if I need a spare lung I hear UCLA is the place" LOL

aaron is a cool dude. anyone know if he is still overseas?

rey is the shit. i encourage anyone interested to go check out his academy.