UFC 102 After Party Pics: Hendo w/ Spider (pics)

Cool pics...what bar did you guys go to? Most of the places we went to in Portland were pretty slow.

Cool pics

MushroomHead -the irony is it bothered you enough to post about it... so actually, you do care, apparently.

I could give a shit if he likes Faber or not, Im bothered that he thought it was worth posting without at least giving a reason.

I had a blast at the afterparty at barracuda. Im glad the UFC finally came to portland. Got to meet thiago, tracy and goldberg and a few others. all really cool people... (from what i actually remember...)

Nice Pizza.

tracylee - there's way more afterparty pics on the site.. this was only a few of them.

And yes, thats me on the left. flame away.

i think you're hotter in person, not really the photo-type.

 Anderson's "keeping his friends close, but his enemies closer"

PittWrestler - I loved the one of Hendo at the cart. That's a block away from my office and has the world's slowest cook who sounds and looks like Borat. He can have a line-up of 15 people and he slowly crafts the schwarma sandwiches.

I just noticed this... lol, thats totally a great description of the guy at the cart!!!

I support irrational dislike of Faber. He just has one of those faces I would love to punch. If I did he would kick my ass though, which just makes him even more annoying.

Nobody has an issue with fighter bashing unless it's a fighter they like, then they come over all indignant and self righteous. I didn't notice anyone complaining when people were posting that they hoped Bisping had permenant brain damage after the Hendo fight.

man tracy lee has a big head

 Food , Shelter,  and Trainer Fees OR  $3000 suits = FUCK the suit.  Until the  bigger orgs. start paying a them like the PROFESSIONALS they are (6 grand to get your face smashed on NATIONAL TV is a FUCKING  FARCE.) , then it's ludicrous to think they'll pay up to  'dress up' for anyone, let alone  if they give a shit. Are you a FUCKING FIGHTER or a GQ model?????

Humboldt JuiJitsu - 
japetto - 
lawrenceofidaho - 

Who is the MILF in ripped jeans?   -She is smokin hawt.......

If by "smoking hawt" you are referring to smoking crack, I might agree ;)
No offense if she is someone's sig other or something (as I am sure she is a nice girl and far from a crackhead) - but she would be the last of the available options chosen from this pic.


the truth.Arianny looks extra hot in the pic with those group of girls.big difference with the top pic where Arianny was with Logan and the new chick

^did what ALL DAY JAY did a bannable offense?tracylee said to flame away.

^i agree.i like tracylee.her tits are fantastic.

but my point is why heartbrokenlee wants you banned?its not fighter bashing.

bakalol - 
BEZERKER - Such a heavy density of bad asses in one area. Imagine storming in to rob the joint and assessing the room after screaming "Nobody fucking move!"

 No UFC fighter can stop someone armed with a gun.... unless it's Brock Lesnar. Guy can probably take a couple shots to the chest and keep moving.

Brock couldn't take a gun shot, he's too slow and fat. Maybe Carwin could...

LOL @ Faber trying to look big