UFC 138 weigh-ins live on the UG (Noon ET)

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                                UFC 138 weigh-ins live on the UG (9 a.m. ET)

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                            <strong class="ArticleSource">[ufc.com]</strong>

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 Fighter weigh-ins for UFC 138 take place this morning, LIVE on the UG, from Birmingham, England, Watch the live video stream of the proceedings here on mixedmartialarts.com beginning at 9 a.m. ET.

If you are are in the area, the weigh-in is FREE to attend and open to the public. Weigh ins take place at the Community Hall,  National Indoor Arena, Birmingham, England.

Stream is courtesy of UFC.com. Qaulity of signal may vary depending on bandwidth issues on location.

Main event:
Chris Leben ( ) vs. Mark Munoz ( )

Main card (Spike TV):
Papy Abedi ( ) vs. Thiago Alves ( )
Cyrille Diabate ( ) vs. Anthony Perosh ( )
Renan Barao ( ) vs. Brad Pickett ( )
Terry Etim ( ) vs. Edward Faaloloto ( )

Prelim card (Facebook):
Michihiro Omigawa ( ) vs. Jason Young ( )
Chris Cariaso ( ) vs. Vaughan Lee ( )
Rob Broughton ( ) vs. Philip De Fries ( )
Chris Cope ( ) vs. Che Mills ( )
Justin Edwards ( ) vs. John Maguire ( )

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 yeah its not working for me either...

this is terrible...

it's already broken

i was rushing around installing updates for my software thinking my computer was fucked. I see now that I'm not the only one haha

 hahaha- yeah i was scurrying around doing the same thing

Lol. now i see the updated time, might try and catch it in a few hours

 Chris got up too early this am and put the incorrect time in. I have fixed it.


From Junkie.

The weigh-ins don't air or stream live, so join MMAjunkie.com for live and official updates beginning at noon ET (9 a.m. PT).



 for what its worth, alves missed weight by 2lbs according to mmajunkie...



michaelkaras - SWEET CARD

 Agreed.  There are some great match ups and potentially exciting fights.  That lack of top 10 guys will definitely bring this card some heat on the UG, but it's free and should have some great fights.



Jons Forsberg - is this what, the fifth time he's failed to make weight? Thiago should be cut from the UFC at this point, what a joke.

I don't think he should be cut, but he shouldn't be given any fights at 170 anymore. Cut him if he refuses to move to Middleweight.
What a dumbass.

Unless alves cuts those 2 pounds....welcome to the MW division, would like to see him there anyways. 3 strikes and you are out!