UFC 139 Tickets?

 Missed out on buying presale tickets and prices skyrocketed after that. Now the 50$ upper level tickets are 100+, and mostly available on sketchy online sites that probably aren't legit. So, I decided to ask the UG, anyone know any other places to get cheaper tickets?

Thanks guys

 Talk to Darnell or LeRon right before or when the show starts. 

crowbar -  Talk to Darnell or LeRon right before or when the show starts. 


 Darnell,LeRon,Jerome or Tyrone will probably have tickets. 

crowbar -  Darnell,LeRon,Jerome or Tyrone will probably have tickets. 

 what am i missing....I'm very confused


Hahahaha ooh ok I gotcha

Anyone have any...more legal suggestions? Phone Post

crowbar -  Darnell,LeRon,Jerome or Tyrone will probably have tickets. 

Racist Phone Post