UFC 147: Low Blow

the most nut shots i have ever seen in one night

i know it has a lot to do with the matchups of righty vs lefty but damn

actually a few of the outside kicks hit across the cup too

A ton of them nut shots tonight, accidental or not Phone Post

 ROFL, awesome

Well brazilians do love their muay thai. If you throw in some southpaws shit gets fucked. Phone Post

Bag Tag!

You're it!

LOL. I was going to make a post about this as well. A couple of the later nut shots seemed to be exaggerated, but most where dead on field goals.

I almost died laughing when mike was trying to be light with his words and Joe was just like "Its just more like cup to sack".

Felt like a kid laughing at the word sack but it was still funny.


Blue plz?

Testicle time! Phone Post


Make ballshots legal.  If you can't protect your weakest spot, you can't fight.

 Don't they make some kind of legendary cup that can withstand shots with a tennis ball throwing machine?

Shock Doctor?

 Muay Thai fighters use steel cups.