UFC 167: St-Pierre vs Hendricks Official Poster

mma interpreter - 

I predict a very disappointing PPV. Still high because it's GSP, but certainly not GSP-Diaz numbers, not even GSP-Condit numbers imho.

500,000-600,000 is a safe estimate. Too many people are becoming aware of what a GSP fight means nowadays: a guaranteed 25 minutes of frustrating near-entertainment. Phone Post

A 600k PPV is not a very disappointing PPV. 500k maybe, but only because its GSP.

1Mill PPV in this sport are very rare. Doing 700k buys puts you like in the top 20 selling PPVs of all time in the sport.

Since Big Rigg isnt a heel I dont see them doing 700k but its not disappointing. Its expected.

mma interpreter - 

I predict a very disappointing PPV. Still high because it's GSP, but certainly not GSP-Diaz numbers, not even GSP-Condit numbers imho.

500,000-600,000 is a safe estimate. Too many people are becoming aware of what a GSP fight means nowadays: a guaranteed 25 minutes of frustrating near-entertainment. Phone Post

Why would you say that?  When was the last GSP event that did under 700k buys?   Diaz did almost a mill, Condit did over 700k, Shields did over 800k, Alves did 1.6, Hardy did over 700k.  BJ did over 700k, Kos did 800k plus.


This is also his most dangerous opponent, an actual opponent may believe has a shot due to his power in his left hand.  This isnt Diaz who everyone knew would be grappled for 5 rounds or Shields or even Condit.  This is a legit big puncher who can wrestle.    Not a chance this fight does 500k buys.  Come on dude.

This event will do 700k atleast, probably like normal GSP cards, 700-800k.

the question is do these artsy fartsy posters get more people in the bar door than the old "boring" ones... and my guess is probably not.

The bones/gustaffson poster may look cool on your walls but you hang that shit on your bar windows and people are gonna think you're having some kind of dance competition.

Enjoy them while it lasts because the bars are gonna complain and zuffa is will go back to the old "boring" ones.

^ people have known mayweather is boring for years... they still buy his fights.  GSP is the same.

mma interpreter - 

the question is do these artsy fartsy posters get more people in the bar door than the old "boring" ones... and my guess is probably not.

The bones/gustaffson poster may look cool on your walls but you hang that shit on your bar windows and people are gonna think you're having some kind of dance competition.

Enjoy them while it lasts because the bars are gonna complain and zuffa is will go back to the old "boring" ones.

Give me your honest opinion on how many ppvs this snoozefest will sell. <img alt="Phone Post" border="0" src="/images/phone/droid.png" style="vertical-align:middle;" /></blockquote>


honsetly, if it pulls less than 700k it will be dissapointing.  I dont think Ive ever seen any star become less of a draw unless they lose.

Anderson had his shittiest performance against maia (after lame performances against cote and leites) and he pulled his best number at the time against chael (nobody knew chael at the time... he was just talking but nobody was really listening to him).

People know GSP is boring and they still bought the condit fight.  a guy who cant even wrestle.  Hendricks loosk to be at least a threat.

Zuffa also has a UFC primetime scheduled for this fight.  This is also the 20th anniversary show...  I dont think this is the time to be predicting a number that is not inline with a typical GSP buyrate.

(Rory vs Lawler is also targeted for this card). 

I might buy one of those Phone Post 3.0

LOL! It's as if they were inspired by fans on forums. "The power to shock the world", "greatness within reach". Anyway, in the case of GSP vs Hendricks, in before:

Wash, rince, repeat.

Too many people are becoming aware of what a GSP fight means nowadays: a guaranteed 25 minutes of frustrating near-entertainment.

Is this statement verified by any facts, or are you just projecting your own feelings onto the rest of the MMA world? GSP has been GSP for years and hasn't once shown to be any less of a draw because of it.

Needs more bitds Phone Post 3.0

It's almost like they hired a new artist to do their posters... looks like a very similar style for all of these recent ones. Not saying it's a bad thing, just saying.

GSP looks like he is admiring a ring Hendricks is showing him on his finger.

YouCantHandleMyRiddum -

LOL! It's as if they were inspired by fans on forums. "The power to shock the world", "greatness within reach". Anyway, in the case of GSP vs Hendricks, in before:

Wash, rince, repeat.

Man that takedown on Alves is by far my favorite takedown highlight reel. That looked like a video game...

I remember heading into that bought the big question would be if GSP could take Alves down (he looked flawless against KOS and Hughes before the fight) and GSP even dropped him in the round after he injured his groin. Man GSP from 2008-2011 was a fucking monster Phone Post

These posters are awesome Phone Post 3.0

thank god they broke up the monotany of the UFC posters.