UFC 193 live press conference in 5 mins.

Has this been cancelled? Phone Post 3.0

Stream cut out because Australia has those data caps and clearly the UFC didn't get the premium package with the extra 50GB of data for AUD 50763475. Phone Post 3.0

Calavaro - Stream cut out because Australia has those data caps and clearly the UFC didn't get the premium package with the extra 50GB of data for AUD 50763475. Phone Post 3.0

It's funny because it's true lol. The internetz suck here.

Calavaro - Stream cut out because Australia has those data caps and clearly the UFC didn't get the premium package with the extra 50GB of data for AUD 50763475. Phone Post 3.0
They didn't use Telstra that is the problem! Phone Post 3.0

The press conference is up and working at mmafighting.com for anyone interested.